Day 3,614, 03:22 Published in USA Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

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This is a more serious article for the competition and a idea that came to me whilst i was bathing one day.

Problems perceived(depends on the person) is that

1. there is an overproduction and that certain people make a lot of money.

Analysing this - yes a person like me makes a lot of money but then again it required a massive effort to make this money. So to claim that making lots of money is "easy" is both misplaced and "in my opinion" false.

2. young players have nothing to do cant fight at the same level can compete politically but then usually are faceD with older more experienced players with a established loyalty base.

And this is the point I'm coming to, dont make as much money as older players and start off their industries at a massive disadvantage.

Analysis - yep this is true older players ofteN holds the trump card in game due to the efforts they put into the game.

Such is live generally in business :- an older business will have a more established client base and will be able to bully younger competitors due to experience and the internal procedures they have setup. A successful older business is well run and make a tiny percentage of business mistakes compared to a younger competitor who still are learning the ropes.

In truth eRepublik is in that sense a successful business simulator. Yet this is a game. In a game there is expectation of being able to participate in the game. if one cant one usually quit. mThe internal dillemma of game companies is new account retention. In business people usually mentor you. For example my one supplier would pick only his best stock that he knew would sell for my one business.

But what I was thinking was more of a radical solution. Lets shorten the gap but give the older player the opportunity to maintain his advantage.

So we introduce bond loans or mortgages.

Now in normal language business usually has loans over property also called a mortgage.

Any player will have the opportunity to purchase as many factories as he want if he cant afford it.
This will however follow normal mafia terminology:
You will get a vig - a vig is the percentage that is deducted from the production. Paying the vig dont pay the principle or points.

Points - on top of your principle set points is added or not.[ Im still divided on this. Adding this will make the system less attractive not adding it might be an exploit.] So if your principle for a Q1 House factory is say 10 gold - you can add say 2 points meaning payable 12 gold or you can say add 20 points meaning interest meaning your principle with points is set at 12 gold.

The mortgage will deduct a percentage of the production from the player.

This will be in a range and the will go from say 90% to 0% the player needing to over time pay of the principle with points. In the example case we set if I paid 6 gold my production will increase to 100 - 45% = 55%.

Mortgaged properties needs to settle the principle and points to be able to be sold.

Say you paid in our example 8 dollar owing 4 dollar if you dissolve the company you get 5 gold minus mortgage so 5 - 4 = 1 gold.

Say you put it at 9 gold for sale and someone buys it you get 9 minus 4 = 5 gold.

But if you owe 8 gold you cannot dissolve it. You can sell it though at 9 dollar. Gaining 1 gold.

Players can work or not work in these factories as prices fall or climb. The principle basically stays the same and not producing does not have any financial costs.

OFC in your company list all companies will be sorted from highest to lowest production and SHIFT selection will be introduced so you click or hold in your current shift button then you select the first point and everything downwards is selected to the second point. This will help you fine tune your business strategy.

Will this nullify the natural grind advantage older players gained. No .

1. The older player can use the same tools
2. The younger and older player will still be capped by the amount of energy they produce a day and work taxes.
3. Companies will have a profitability range from high to low .
4. Younger and older players may use this inter changeably with their current setup. For example if I earn 20000 cc a day. I might purchase say 500 Rubber plantations costing me 17500 gold. If no points is in play. I might place them in say California and slowly pay of the principle.
5. As pointed out the point system may be used or not if used it will be better to straight out buy a company.
6. Older players can use these same tools and their current business knowledge to pivot their current industry quicker.


