[ORION] Weekly Damage Report

Day 3,262, 03:52 Published in France Portugal by Orion HQ


today, we bring you another episode of ORION Weekly damage report. During previous week, ORION members started a large military operation, which resulted in several enemy ASs against our members. Even though at first the situation looked grim for us, our enemies quickly ran out of steam (and money for COs 😛 ) and with the tremendous help of our allies, they will soon be eliminated 😉. However, how did the war influence our damage? Actually, quite a lot - let's check it out.

The first pie chart shows the total damage done by all ORION countries. All three countries directly involved in military operation (France, Cuba and Canada) have improved their damage, thus raising ORION total damage by almost 30 billion damage! Our soldiers deserve a praise for such a good work!

The second graph compares average damage per citizen for each country, in comparison with ORION total average. Lithuania is winning as usual, however, for the first time ever their lead is not huge and Cuba was almost able to surpass them this week. Canada and France also reached their maximums there, with Canada surpassing ORION average damage again.

The next picture shows TOP10 ORION players in each division. Cuba and France have taken the lead, with 15 and 13 representatives there. Lithuania temporarily fell to third place with 10 representatives. And as usual, Canada was able to get their few spots in D4.

That's all for today. If you have any idea how to improve this Damage Report, let me know.

Janty F