[Open Letter] Give Us Our Q5 Hospital In Sumatra…

Day 578, 02:31 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Masila

Dear Mr. Admin…
This is an open letter to the Admin team from all of Indonesian citizen.

Six (6) Days ago, all of Indonesian citizen were happy because we would have our next Q5 Hospital which would be installed in Sumatra, one of the most populous land in Indonesia, whether in eWorld or in real life. Like we know, Sumatra had only Q4 Hospital before.
As the president of this country, I tried to build it. Went to
country administration>>propose law>>buy buildings>>hospital Q5>>choose Sumatra and then build…

Then what we’ve got? An error massage...
“The hospital you are trying to buy has a lower or equal quality than this region's hospital.”

I ask my friends about this one and then we come to one statement that this was a bug. And then I send the “report bug” ticket with serial [#NOZ-451443]

Then you gave me an automatic reply…

Thank you for contacting us. This is an automated response sent to you in order to confirm the receipt of your message. We will attend to your ticket as soon as possible. We've listed the details of the ticket you created below for your records. When replying, please keep the ticket's ID in the subject to ensure that your replies are tracked correctly.

Ticket I😨 NOZ-451443
Subject: Bug in Hospital Installment
Department: Report a bug
Priority: Emergency
Status: Pending

Kind Regards,



Time passing, but nothing happened…
The bug still there and all of Sumatranese couldnt see their Q5 Hospital…
I send some of my ministers to report this bugs again…
The bug still there and all of Sumatranese couldnt see their Q5 Hospital…
I made an instruction for all of Indonesian to report this again…
The bug still there and all of Sumatranese couldnt see their Q5 Hospital…
Now 6 Days have passed…
But the bug still there and all of Sumatranese cant see their Q5 Hospital…

So now, all of Indonesian people shout loudly…
Give Us Our Q5 Hospital In Sumatra

With the name of Indonesian people


Kepada Tuan Admin …
Ini adalah Surat Terbuka kepada Tim Admin dari seluruh rakyat Indonesia

Enam (6) hari yang lalu, seluruh rakyat Indonesia larut dalam suka cita karena kita akan mendapatkan RS Q5 kita di Sumatra, pemberian dari Bong. Seperti yang kita ketahui, sebelumnya di Sumatra hanya terdapat rumah sakit level 4.
Sebagai presiden, saya lalu pergi menuju
country administration>>propose law>>buy buildings>>hospital Q5>>Memilih Sumatra lalu menekan build…

Tetapi apa yang kita dapat? Sebuah error yang berbunyi
“The hospital you are trying to buy has a lower or equal quality than this region's hospital.”

Kami lalu berembuk dan membuat kesimpulan bahwa ini adalah bug. Lalu saya mengirimkan laporan kepada Admin dengan tiket serial [#NOZ-451443]

Lalu saya menerima pesan otomatis dari Admin

Thank you for contacting us. This is an automated response sent to you in order to confirm the receipt of your message. We will attend to your ticket as soon as possible. We've listed the details of the ticket you created below for your records. When replying, please keep the ticket's ID in the subject to ensure that your replies are tracked correctly.

Ticket I😨 NOZ-451443
Subject: Bug in Hospital Installment
Department: Report a bug
Priority: Emergency
Status: Pending

Kind Regards,



Waktu berlalu, tetapi tidak ada yang terjadi…
Bug itu tetap ada dan rakyat Sumatra tak dapat menikmati RS Q5 mereka…
Kukirim menteri-menteriku dan para penatua bangsa…
Bug itu tetap ada dan rakyat Sumatra tak dapat menikmati RS Q5 mereka…
Kubuat himbauan kepada seluruh warga negara dan bertanya kepada Admin…
Bug itu tetap ada dan rakyat Sumatra tak dapat menikmati RS Q5 mereka…
Sekarang sudah lewat 6 hari dari saat itu…
Tetapi bug itu tetap ada dan rakyat Sumatra tidak dapat merasakan Q5 mereka…

Maka kini, seluruh rakyat Indonesia berteriak kencang…
Berikan Rumah Sakit Q5 kami dari Bong di Sumatra

Dengan nama bangsa Indonesia


All of Peace citizen, please help us and vote this article
Make this article to International and please signed the forum topic
[Open Letter] Give Us Our Q5 Hospital In Sumatra…
Signed with this format

With the name of Indonesian people
-(your name)-

Kepada rakyat Indonesia
Saya ingin melihat seberapa cepat response anda, mari kita vote hingga ke Internasional
Signed juga di topic forum
[Open Letter] Give Us Our Q5 Hospital In Sumatra…
Dengan format

With the name of Indonesian people
-ID erep anda-

-Satu eIndonesiaku-