{Official eROC MoFA News Update, Vol. 5} The delightful Italian people. : )

Day 1,794, 21:15 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by Yanagihung




咱們義大利人阿,如果不算 90年代的移民潮的話,其實也沒有太多的文化差異。


我們常常以為羅馬人很好過,其實不然。當年像是薩姆尼特人( Sanniti ) 就打敗羅馬人好幾次,羞辱他們,迫使他們走過一個小木門,叫考狄烏姆 ( Caudine Forks )

另一個很有名的種族則是伊特拉斯坎人( Etruscans ),為了不被統治而跟羅馬軍抗戰,最後在關鍵的維愛之戰 ( Battle of Veio ) 戰敗。


首先是迦太基人( 迦太基位於現在的突尼西亞 ),傳說中由漢尼拔帶領成千上萬的戰像,從北非洲,穿越西班牙跟法國,與阿爾卑斯山,打敗羅馬帝國,統制義大利十年。




**本文特別感謝新聞局Celipliz熱情翻譯! 😃**

**********English Version**********

Italians, sons of our ancestors

If you want to enjoy some Italian music:


Well, we Italians haven’t a so large multicultural substrate in our country, if we do not consider immigrants from the ‘90s who are now Italians in all.

But our land has been a home for a lot of ancient populations especially before the foundation of Rome in 753 B.C.

We are usually tempted to think that to Rome everything had always been easy but it’s not like that, populations like “Sanniti” defeated the Romans more than one time, humiliating them, making them pass under some little low wooden gates called “Caudine Forks”.

Another very famous pre-roman population is Etruscans, who fought for long time, in order to remain free, against the Romans and lost definitively in the battle of “Veio”.

But Italy, after had become Rome’s territory, was invaded many times.

The first to invade Italy were the Cartages (from Cartago a city located in modern Tunisia) with Hannibal who passed the Alps with (as someone says) with many, MANY, elephants from North Africa, passing by Spain and France, he defeated the Romans in Italy and stayed in our territory for ten years more or less.

Centuries after this Italy was invaded again by a lot of different populations like Huns, Vandals, Goths , Ostrogoths, Visigots and Lombards.

In the medieval period the South of our peninsula, especially Sicily, became at first Saracen’s (from North Africa, Arabia and Turkey) territory and then Normans from Denmark, so it’s not unusual to see some Sicilian friend with blonde hair and clear eyes.

So we are the result of this historic melting pot, everyone feels to be more Roman, Barbaric, African or Norman. But what really counts is that everyone of this people loved our country, so we are: ITALIANS

**Special Thanks to Celipliz from the Department of Media for translating this article. 😃**