#NOOB mednarodni projekt za večjo pomoč novincem

Day 2,186, 11:51 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by Slovenian University

Vsi vemo, da eRepublik izgublja igralce. Eden izmed glavnih razlogov je, da igralci ne razumejo igre in jo zato zapustijo.

Zaradi tega je eŠvedski MoE začel novi eGlobalni projekt. Glavni cilj projekta je mednarodni IRC kanal za nove igralce. Kanal bo nudil novincem pomoč pri razumevanju igre in tudi možnost povezave z ostalimi igralci.
Uradni jezik kanala je angleščina, na njem pa lahko najdete tudi ministre iz različnih držav.

#noob @ Rizon
Web IRC: https://qchat.rizon.net/?channels=noob
Ministre lahko prepoznate z "+" znakom pred njihovim imenom.


#NOOB channel - to help new players

As we all know, eRepublik is starting to lose players rapidly. One of the main reasons why this is happening is that new players can't understand the game, so they decide to just abandon it.

As a result, the eSwedish MoE launched a new eGlobal project.The main goal of the project is to establish a successful international IRC chat channel for new players, which will offer them additional help with understanding of the game and also opportunity to connect with other players.
The official language on the channel is english, however, you can find Ministers from various countries there, as well.

#noob @ Rizon
Web IRC: https://qchat.rizon.net/?channels=noob

The ministers could be recognised by the "+" sign in front of their nicknames.

That’s everything for today,

Minister for Social Services