[MoFA] Brotherhood

Day 2,263, 13:47 Published in Ireland Ireland by Irish Foreign Ministry

Brotherhood. Some say the word has no meaning anymore. Some say the word means everything. The truth is there must be a balance between brotherhood and damage for any group of nations to succeed in this game, whatever their goals may be.

Times are changing however, and the meaning of brotherhood seems to have lessened since the fall of CoT. TWO has always had a reputation for being strategic and powerful, while CoT was it's little brother. CoT had a more upbeat brotherhood atmosphere, similar to EDEN. This was shown during their war with TWO. While EDEN nations and CoT nations were wiped, there was still hope that their brothers would assist them in their trials, and lead them back to victory. In the end, TWO recruited massive tank nations from EDEN's fall, focusing on damage above all, and was victorious. Since then nations have taken TWO’s mentality of gathering damage more than focusing on loyalty, respect, and brotherhood. They don’t realize that it was the lack of such that brought an end to TWO.

The fall of the worlds alliances were all very similar in nature. But opposite at the same time. CoT fell to lack of damage, while EDEN and TWO fell to lack of brotherhood/unity. CoT ended when problems got severe, TWO went on an extra couple months, while EDEN's HQ ran a dead alliance for year.

It became obvious that EDEN's HQ , at the end of its life, cared more about damage and resources than what really mattered to most of its nations, brotherhood. Some nations didn't care about winning the game, or losing the game. They cared about contributing to their allies success, and their allies doing the same for them. It was about HAIL EDEN, HAIL BROTHERHOOD! It was about meeting new people, and standing up against the odds to accomplish greatness. Greatness in whatever form we needed it to be in. EDEN was more than just an alliance. EDEN was a community. EDEN members were more than just allies, they were friends.

Ireland throughout the years has still cared for each and every one of those friendships. But unlike larger, more ambitious nations that care only about winning the game, and getting damage, Ireland has refused to turn our back on those allies. Ex-EDEN HQ are arrogant. They refuse to this day even to acknowledge their failures and selfishness that led to our alliance's demise, but worse, they blame us for standing by our friend, Bulgaria. Bulgaria, however, doesn’t blame us for staying in EDEN. Turkey was not EDEN when they tried to join, Bulgaria was. We stood by them when other nations refused, because they had reasons to be upset with HQ. Their veto was ignored. When they left, we were offered the opportunity to join them, but refused, because even though we supported them, it didn't mean we disliked our EDEN brothers. We still stayed behind and fought for every one them. For Greece, for Croatia, for Portugal, for the Netherlands, for Bosnia, for Ukraine.

We don't betray. We don't corrupt. We fight.

And when smaller EDEN nations were wiped, Ireland fought for them. Nations like Portugal and the Netherlands had no land, yet larger EDEN HQ nations had many resources and were fighting for more. Finally we took a stand and said enough was enough. We wouldn't continue to be a part of a dead alliance and be asked to fight for nations who are throwing parties at the expense of smaller nations regions. Within weeks, our wiped allies agreed and left as well.

We were asked to choose sides, TWO or CoT, by all of our allies. But choosing sides would mean to betray our allies. We chose neutrality. We chose to be judged. We chose boredom. But above all, we chose loyalty. We could've committed to one side. We had diplomats that wanted both. They were ambitious and experienced and easily could've gotten us into one alliance or the other, but the people didn't want it. We wanted to stick by all of our allies.

We don't betray. We don't corrupt. We fight.

Now the time has come, that some of our greatest allies are joining our worst enemies. They are the same enemies that they helped us to fight in the EDEN days. They are the same enemies that did everything they could to destroy our alliance, our community, our brotherhood. Times change indeed, but our loyalty and honour never has. Certain leaders will look for excuses to call us traitors. They will look for any excuse to justify to their citizens their reasoning for betraying us in the future. They'll bring up our support of Bulgaria against a nation that wasn't even in EDEN at the time, but fail to mention our support and faith in EDEN afterwards. Or fail to mention our disappointment afterwards as we watched the accusers destroy our alliance. But regardless...

We don't betray. We don't corrupt. We fight.

Ireland stands by any ally that doesn't abuse our loyalty, our trust. We always have and always will. Perhaps we are fools. Perhaps we are blind that everything around us has changed and damage alone holds value. But through it all...

We won't betray. We won't corrupt. We will fight.

To all of our old allies, EDEN or not: Portugal, United States, Canada, Netherlands, Bulgaria, Croatia, and many more:

We stand by you. We always have. We have faith that you will remember our friendship and the trials we've overcome together. We hope that you all haven't truly succumbed to damage starved mentality, to throw the meaning of brotherhood away. We haven't been betrayed by any of you and hopefully we never will. Until that day comes, if it is indeed inevitable as many think, remember that you have a friend in us, no matter what end of the alliance spectrum you end up on. If the day comes that you fight for our enemies against us, then no propaganda you use will justify the excuse you give to your citizens. But hopefully that day will never come. And rest assured we won't fight against you either. Our alliance structure may be dead, but its spirit rides on friends. The comradery between us continues, and hopefully always will. But just know that our trust is in your hands to betray, and if your trust is in ours then rest assured it won't be thrown away. HAIL EDEN! HAIL BROTHERHOOD!



Irish Prime Minister
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Irish MoFA

CP of Ireland