[MoEd] Shtepite : Mesim - Houses : Tutorial (SQ/EN)

Day 2,439, 08:37 Published in Albania Greece by Kravenn

Përkthimi u mundësua nga: Endritt Zekka

Pershendetje shqiptar te nderuar,

Eshte e logjikshme te flasim per shtepite ne kete mesim : industri e re,resurse te reja,ndryshime ne harte, ..
Eshte koha te flasim per ndryshimin e fundit te madh.

1- Kompanite e lendes se pare

Ashtu siq edhe per ushqim dhe arme edhe per shtepi nevojitet lenda e pare.Nuk mund te ndertoni shtepine pa materiale.
Per fillim:ti shikojme te gjitha kompanite e lendes se pare per shtepi.

Cfare mund te themi ?

Sharra dhe gurorja e granitit jane potencialisht me interesantet(sikur kompanite e lendes se pare per ushqim dhe arme) por siq mund ta shihni edhe ne tabele(dhe poashtu me poshte):te punuarit si menagjer eshte e pamundur

nuk ka “puno si menagjer”

Per te prodhuar lende te pare te shtepive: jeni te detyruar te merrni punetor.Ne ate rast : investimi ne sharre eshte thjesht i kote.Nese doni te investoni vetem gurorja e granitit eshte profitabile (lenda e prodhuar nga gurorja e granitit eshte thjeshte me e lira).

2- Bonus

Resurset funksionojne njesoj sikur edhe tek armet dhe ushqimi.Adminet vendosen te shtojne 5 resurse:Rere - Argjile - Dru - Gelqere - Granit
Nje resurs i lidhur me rruge me kryeqytetin do rrise prodhimtarine tuaj per 20% ndersa nje resurs qe nuk eshte i lidhur me rruge me kryeqytetin(shpesh quhet edhe koloni) rrit prodhimtarine per 10%.

Duke pase dy regjione Rere do rritet prodhimi juaj per 20%(vetem njeri prej tyre nevojitet te jete i lidhur me kryeqytetin per te rrite prodhimin)

Duke shtuar resurse te reja dhe duke mos shtuar regjione te reja:do te thote se ka pase disa ndryshime ne harte.
Disa regjione kane pase ndryshime te resurseve te tyre nga te ushqimit dhe armeve ne te shtepive.

Le te shikojme tabelen e meposhtme per te pare se ku jane vendosur resurset e reja

Nese doni informacion me te detajuar se ku jane vendosur resurset e reja.Kliko KETU

Vetem Europa dhe Azia kane te gjitha resurset ne kontinentet e tyre.Ka vetem 7 regjione me granit(3 nga to gjenden ne Europe).

Pak a shume sikur se Mbreteria e Bashkuar me armet,disa shtete kane 3 resurse te shtepive ne regjionet e tyre natyrale.Keto shtete jane: Franca - Irlanda - Rusia (Europe), Kina (Azi), Kanada (Amerika Veriore).Vetem SHBA ka 4 resurse ne regjionet origjinale(mungon vetem rera).

3- Kompanite e shtepive

Kompanite e reja te famshme dhe ka shume gjera per tu thene.Do ta spjegoj me kompanine ne token time.

Une krijova nje kompani Q1 per 10 gold.Mund te punesoj 1 punetor ne dite per kompani.Me nje prodhim bazik secili punetor do te ndertoj(per dite) :20% te nje shtepie Q1.

Rreth kostos dhe permiresimit ne kete industri eshte ekzaktesisht e njejta kosto sikurse tek kompanite e armeve dhe ushqimit.Momentalisht,ndryshimi eshte se nuk mund te keni kompani te kualitetit 4-7.Mesiguri qe adminet do i shtojne ato se shpejti.

Le ti shikojme te gjitha te dhenat qe momentalisht kemi ne tabele

Te dhenat me fontin italic nuk jane te konfirmuara nga adminat

Dicka ndoshta e qarte 1 punetor nuk mund te prodhoj nje shtepi te plote ne nje dite te vetme ne eRepublik.1 punetor mund te ndertoj 20% te nje shtepie Q1(me prodhim bazik)
Ne kete rast me kompanine time Q1: do me duhen 5 dite per te prodhuar shtepine time.
Per te ndertuar nje shtepi Q2 me duhen 10 punetor.1 punetor ne Q2 do te prodhoj 10% te shtepise(cdo dite dhe me prodhim bazik)

Gjithashtu: 2 kompani(te te njejtit kualitet) do te kontribojne te ndertojne se bashku te njejten shtepi.Shembull: 2 kompani te shtepive Q1 nuk do te ndertojne 20% te 2 shtepive per dite por 40% te nje shtepie.

Nese i shkaterroni kompanite tuaja te shtepive vetem 30% e investimit do ju kthehet.Kompanite e lendes se pare(arme,ushqim,shtepi) ju kthejne 50% te investimit,poashtu edhe kompanite e ushqimit dhe armeve.

4- Aktivizimi

Epo,posa ta keni perfunduar shtepine: mund ta perdorni per veten apo ta shisni ne treg.Megjithate,nuk mund tia jepni dikujt (e njejta vlen edhe per materialet e lendes se pare)

Per te aktivizuar shtepine: Duhet te shkoni ne depo dhe klikoni shtepine qe doni te aktivizoni. duhet te shkoni ne depo dhe klikoni shtepine qe doni te aktivizoni. Pasi ta keni konfirmuar(pak a shume sikur aktivizimi i nje perforcuesi ne fushebeteje)😒htepia juaj aktivizohet dhe u jep mundesine te grumbulloni me shume energji.

Faleminderit Niemand per foton e derguar.

Gjithashtu: Mund te keni vetem nje shtepi te aktivizuar (nuk mund ti keni aktive 1 Q1 dhe 1 Q2 apo 2 Q2.. dhe nuk mund ta shisni nje shtepi qe tashme e keni aktivizuar(madje edhe nese per vetem 3 sekonda).
Poashtu mund ta caktivizoni shtepine tuaj.Ne ate rast: supozoj se eshte e njejta menyre sikurse e aktivizimit.

Mbajeni ne mend :Nese e caktivizoni shtepine tuaj pasi ta keni perdorur ate per 3 ore e 5 minuta => 4 ore do te hiqen.

5- Mendimet e mia

Industria e shtepive eshte duke e ndryshuar “ekonomine”.Deshiroj te them “disa regjioneve u eshte ndryshuar resursi”.
Megjithate,Nuk ma merr mendja qe shume shtete do i kene te gjitha resurset(arme,ushqim,shtepi).Disa shtete kishin mundesi ti kene bonuset e armeve dhe ushqimit, tash do te jete me e veshtire.

Tashme nuk mund te punoni si menagjer ne kompanite e reja: eshte pa dyshim investim i gabuar per nje lojtar te ri.Nese jeni i ri:investoni ne qendrat e stervitjes,pas asaj zgjedhni kompani te lendes se pare per arme dhe kompani te ushqimit(Q3 eshte e mjaftueshme).

Per disa persona me te vertete qe shtepite do gjejne perdorim😒humica jane te tillet qe luftojne shume dhe te atillet qe kane shume kompani dhe deshirojne te ruajne energji.Pervec kesaj : nuk keni llogari te bleni shtepi.Nese jeni lojtar i ri : mos bli shtepi ne treg.

Kostoja per nje sipermarres eshte me e larte sesa per te prodhuar ushqim apo arme.

duke i knosideruar pagat 50 ALL.

Jami i sigurt se biznesi i shtepive do te sjelle perfitim por momentalisht: eshte shume heret.Njerezit do jene me te interesuar per kompani te nivelit te larte(Q6 dhe Q7): veqanarisht nese keni nje rimbushje te energjise me te shpejte sesa 10 energji ne 6 minuta.

Me gjase kjo eshte e gjitha per sot,

Minister i Edukimit

Hello my dear Albanians,

It seems logic to talk about houses on this article : New industry, new resources, changes on the map, …
It’s time to talk about the last big change.

1- Raw companies

Like for food and weapons : you need some raws to build an house. You can’t build house without materials. To begin : let’s check all raw companies for houses

What can we say ?

Sawmill and Granite quarry are potentially the most interesting (like food and weapon raw companies) but like you can see on the table (and also just below) : Working as manager is simply impossible.

There is no “work as manager”

To produce House raw materials : you are forced to hire workers. In that case : invest in sawmill is simply useless. If you want to invest there : only Granite quarry is interesting (a Unit produced by a Granite Quarry is simply the cheapest).

2 - Bonus

Resources bonus are working exactly like for food and weapons. Admins decided to add 5 resources : Sand - Clay - Wood - Limestone - Granite
A resource linked to your capital will boost your production by 20% and a resource not linked to your capital (often called a colony) will boost your production by 10%

Having 2 sand regions will boost your production by 20% (only 1 of them need to be linked to your capital to boost the production).

By adding new resources and no new region : it means there was some changes on the map.
Several regions had their resources changed from a food or weapon one to a house one.

Let’s check the following table to discover where are located new resources

If you want more details about exact location of new resources. Click HERE

Only Europe and Asia have all resources on their continents. there is only 7 granites regions (3 of them are located in Europe).

A bit like UK about weapons, some countries have 3 houses resources on their cores. These countries are : France - Ireland - Italy - Russia (Europe), China (Asia), Canada (North America). Only USA has 4 house resources on their cores (only sand is missing)

3- House companies

The famous new companies and there is a lot of things to say. I will explain that with the company on my land.

I created a Q1 company for 10G. I can assign 1 worker per day per company. With a basic production : each worker will build (per day) : 20% of a Q1 house.

About costs and upgrade of this industry : it’s exactly the same costs than for food and weapons. Currently, the main change is that you can’t have a company from quality 4 to 7. Admins will probably add them soon.

Let’s check all datas we currently have on the following table

Datas in italic aren't confirmed by admins

Something probably obvious : 1 worker won’t be able to produce 1 house alone on an erepublik working day. 1 worker will be able to realise (basic production) : 20% of a house.
Here in the case of my Q1 company house : I will need 5 days to build my house.
To build a Q2 house : I need 10 workers. 1 worker in Q2 will produce 10% of a house (per day and at basic production)

Also : 2 companies (of the same quality) will contribute to build together the same house. By example : 2 Q1 house companies won’t build 20% of 2 houses per day but 40% of 1 house per day.

Destroy your house company will give you back only 30% of your investment. Raw companies (food,weapons and house) give you back 50%, same for food and weapon companies.

4- Activation

Well, once you finished a house : you can use it for yourself or sell it on the market. However, you can’t give it to someone else (like Raw materials).

To activate an house : you need to go to your storage and click on the house you want to activate. After confirm your intention (a bit like activate a booster on the battlefield) : your house is activated and give you the ability to stock more energy

Thank you Niemand for this Screenshot

Also : you can only have 1 house active (you can’t have active 1 Q1 and 1 Q2 or 2 Q2) … and you can’t sell on the market a house who was activated (even only during a time lapse of 3 seconds).
You can also deactivate your house. In that case : I suppose it is the same way then activate one.

Keep in mind : If you deactivate an house after using it during 3h05 => 4h will be removed.

5- My thoughts

House industries are changing “economy”. I want to say “some regions have their resource changed”. However, I don’t think that lot of countries will have all resources (food, weapon, house). Few countries were able to have food and weapon ones, it will be harder now.

You can’t work anymore as manager on new companies : it’s clearly a bad investment for a young player. If you are young : Invest in training grounds, after that : choose Weapon raw companies and food companies (Q3 is probably good enough).

Few people will have a real use of new houses : It’s mainly those who are fighting a lot and maybe those who have lot of companies and want to stock more energy. Except that : you have no interest to buy houses. If you are a young player : don’t buy houses on the market.

Costs for an entrepreneur is higher than to produce food and weapons

PS : I considered wages at 50 ALL.

I’m sure that house business will generate profits but currently : it’s too early. People will be more interested by high quality companies (Q6 and Q7) : especially if you have a higher refill like recover 10 more health per 6 min.

That’s probably all for today,

See ya,
Minister of Education