✈ Media Idea O-T-Road ✈ eCroatia ✈

Day 1,896, 12:32 Published in Croatia Israel by Lorcema

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Media Idea no está de acuerdo con los sistemas de pagar o suscribirse por dinero. Me encanta el módulo de prensa, no lo destruyamos. Por favor, votá, suscribite y compartilo!
Presioná play y disfrutá! Just push play and enjoy!
Croatian folk music
My english is not the best, so if you find an error, please correct me in the "comments" section. 😛

Kosovo question was recommended by this guy: http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/2775991 😉

2 Q7 weps to the first who tell me who are in the pics, in "Comments" section (2 x each pic) 😃

My trip!

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Media Idea O-T-Road
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