[MDP] Congress Report (Day 2576)

Day 2,576, 21:51 Published in Canada Canada by CptKaydee

Hello Everyone,

This second Congressional Report comes with more meat in it. Many things have been pushed through the congressional chambers, most proposals have succeeded. The following bills are a reflection of the ongoing activity of congress.

Immigration Reform

As mentioned in the previous report; immigration reform was a major topic in the house since the beginning of this term. At last, we have finally received a results and closure on both a Canada-wide poll and the final congressional vote.

Canadian Polling Decided the System

The following results are from a poll opened by Deputy Speaker Xander Kross to determine public opinion on which electoral/selection we should use to decide a Minister of Immigration.

QUESTION: Which selection method should the Ministry of Immigration use?

Congressional Election [ 3 ]
Congressional Election, Multi-term [ 13 ]
Presidential Appointment [ 5 ]
CP-appointed Nominees, Congress Votes [ 10 ]

Final Proposal

After the results of the poll were determined Xander Kross completed his draft of the Ministry of Immigration Act with the selection system decided by the open access poll. The draft is as follows.

Ministry of Immigration Act


This act replaces the Immigration and Security Reform Act.

Article 1: Ministry of Immigration

1. New citizenship requests must be screened for suitability by the Minister of Immigration.

1-A: The Minister of Immigration is an executive cabinet position appointed by act of Congress, and shall have appropriate forum masking.

1-B: The term of office for Minister of Immigration is three (3) consecutive Congressional terms.

1-C: At the start of each new Ministerial term, the Speaker calls for and compiles a list of volunteers to serve as the Minister of Immigration (which process takes at least 24 hours but not more than 48 hours). The current Minister of Immigration may volunteer to run again, or may decline to run. This list of nominees is then subject to a 24-hour Congressional vote, winner determined by the most "Yes" votes.

1-😨 The Minister of Immigration cannot hold the office of Country President or Party President, but may hold any other executive cabinet position.

1-E: The Minister of Immigration may end his/her office prematurely by:

i) Retirement: With notice given in time for Congress to elect a replacement;
ii) Resignation without notice, whereupon the Deputy Minister of Immigration (ref. Article 1.2 below) assumes all duties and obligations;
iii) Removal: By act of Congress, requiring a simple majority; this would be followed by electing a new Minister of Immigration (as outlined in Article 1.1-C);
iv) Executive Order: At which time, Congress must elect a new Minister of Immigration.

2. The Minister of Immigration shall employ a Deputy Minister of Immigration to perform the duties of the office in the event that the senior Minister is unable to perform them (due to resignation without notice, illness, vacation, internet outage, et cetera). The Deputy Minister of Immigration cannot be Country President.

2-A: The Deputy Minister of Immigration is chosen by the Minister of Immigration at the time of his appointment.

2-B: The Deputy Minister of Immigration is also an executive cabinet position, and shall have appropriate forum masking.

Article 2: Immigration Process

1. The Ministry of Immigration is responsible for regular monitoring (at least once per 24 hours) of the Pending Citizenship Requests page, and posting any new requests to the Public Inquiries section of the forum.

1-A: Congress members may also post new citizenship requests to the Public Inquiries section of the forum, provided they are willing to issue the citizenship pass themselves and have a pass to issue. These posts must also be screened by the Minister of Immigration.

1-B: When a Congress member posts the notice in the Public Inquiries forum for an applicant they wish to accept, they will provide some relevant information about the applicant, and explain why they wish to accept this applicant.

1-C: The Minister of Immigration must check the Public Inquiries forum regularly (at least once every 24 hours) and weigh in on and/or respond to each applicant with one of the following responses:

i) Approved - No further screening is needed; applicant can be given a citizenship pass immediately.
ii) Denied - No further screening is needed; applicant poses a clear threat to national security and should not be let in.
iii) On Hold - Further screening is required, applicant should not be issued a citizenship pass unless and until he/she receives an Approved response.
iv) Pending Referral - Applicant requires a vouch, or additional information, from an eCanadian citizen in good standing.
v) Approved but under watch - Applicant can be given a pass, but activity will be monitored by the Ministry of Immigration for at least 2 months; the member of Congress issuing the citizenship pass to an individual under watch will be held jointly responsible for any misdeeds committed by the new citizen (Ref. 2-A below).

2. The Ministry of Immigration is an advisory body only.

2-A: In the event that:

i) a Congress member willingly and knowingly issues citizenship passes contrary to the will of the Ministry of Immigration, OR;
ii) a new citizen Approved but Under Watch (Article 2, Section 1-C, sub. v) commit a punishable misdeed during his or her probationary period;

the Minister of Immigration may request that punitive action be taken by the offending Congress member's Party President. The nature of this punishment will be determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the severity of the infraction.

2-B: In the event that the Minister of Immigration suspects a conspiracy involving giving citizenship passes to unacceptable applicants, the Ministry may declare the enactment of the Political Defense Act, whereupon the Minister of Immigration shall assume the powers and responsibilities of the Immigration Council referenced in that document.

Article 3: Security

1. The Ministry of Immigration shall perform background checks on all applicants, validating as many of their claims as possible. A Background check may include:

Checking their Military Unit, ensuring that said applicant(s) are not a member of a Hostile Military.
A thorough check of the applicants newspaper, ensuring that said applicant(s) are not politically active members of hostile
Countries, governments, or alliances.
Confirm applicant(s) citizenship, as well as other information given by the applicant
Contact any references given by the applicant(s), gain any and all useful information about said applicant(s).
Check out any other leads one may find.

2. It is the responsibility of members of Congress to perform these same background checks on any applicants they wish to accept.

3. This screening process, whether initiated by the Ministry of Immigration or a member of Congress, is limited to 72 hours from the time of the first forum notification. If an applicant fails to meet the criteria of the screeners after 72 hours, he or she is to be denied citizenship.

Article 4: Amendments

1. At any time, Congress may open a request to amend this act. It shall go through 48 hours of open discussion, followed by a 24 hour vote.

Congressional Vote Results

Keep current system [0]
Scrap current system – no replacement [12]
Replace current system with proposed draft [16]

Analyzing the Results: After long and tedious discussion, congress has finally come up with the new system that has been put into law. I personally am happy that decision has been made so we can continue on to new ideas and proposals.

Tax Reform & Revenue Generation

Natster (IW) posted two posts in the congressional chambers; a taxation proposal and a post about revenue generation. The general idea of the proposals was to switch our form of revenue generation with taxes aswell as increasing the minimum wage and import taxes. Heated debate filled the floor with the following ideas.

Natster (IW): Wishes to see taxation changes to coincide with foreign economies such as Ireland.

Xander Kross (MDP): These ideas are going to hurt our economy as we are in a period of re-generating treasury funds and that now is not the time to experiment with funds. Experimentation that could bite us in the ass.

Analyzing: Two in game votes have already failed and the discussion has slowed down.

Repealing Old Laws

I (CptKaydee) proposed the removal of the following useless laws that have already served their purpose. The proposal wishes to remove the following laws.

The Canadian Civil Defence Act /La Loi sur la défense civile canadienne

MU Funding Act / Loi sur le financement des MU

Analyzing: The vote is ongoing, but so far all but 2 votes are in favour of repealing these laws.

Comptroller General Act

In the midst of my proposal to remove useless laws, the idea that we could formalize and rewrite the Comptroller Act came to mind. Crisfire (MDP) has proposed a new revision to the Comptroller Act, formalizing Bryan Alexander (CPF)’s control over the position for an indefinite period of time.

Here is the proposal currently on the voting floor now.

Comptroller General Act

This Act represents a committed effort by Canada to regulate how funds are distributed, particularly for Combat Orders issued by the Canadian Civil Defense, by the Canadian Government. It outlines how to carry out government transactions on behalf of Congress and the Executive.

Recognizing that Canada requires a consistent, transparent system of bookkeeping, and further recognizing that changing systems monthly based solely on Presidential whim increases the margin for financial error or theft, this Act proposes the following:

1.In the event a new Comptroller is needed the sitting Speaker or his designate will publish an advertisement article stating the need for a new Comptroller in game giving detailed directions on how and where to apply and post a Comptroller application thread in the Government>Congress>Public Gallery section of the forums which shall remain open for at least 72 hours. A Comptroller will be selected by Congress with a 50% + 1 vote.

2. Once approved, the Comptroller will serve a life time term until he/she resigns or a non confidence motion is made in Congress to end a Comptrollers term requiring a 65% majority in favor of dismissal.

3. The Comptroller will have sole access to the Government’s primary Organization, and receive donations to that Organization to be redistributed as directed by the Executive’s Budget.

4. The Comptroller will keep a public record (e.g., a GDoC) of all transactions entering and exiting the Organization, with explanations as deemed appropriate by Congress.

5. Should the Comptroller commit any theft, they may be removed from their position immediately.

6. While the Comptroller is not barred from holding political office, they may not be the Country President.

Analyzing: The vote is ongoing and it’s likely this law will pass and we will have a revised and polished Comptroller Act.

Titties and Beer,