[ITALY] We do not threaten, we promise

Day 4,322, 05:01 Published in Italy Italy by National eItaly

When we established the Dictatorship we said "ci aspettiamo entro la fine di quest'anno di entrare stabilmente nella Top 20 del damage settimanale per nazioni".

They said we were power-hungry maniacs.

When we were expelled from Singapore we said "in the near future we expect to reach the Top 20 position in the Weekly Leaderboards, both on the ground and in the skies".

They said we were hopelessly delusional.

But after months of tireless work on coordination, logistic and combat readiness our community is stronger than ever.
Dozens of italian players have flocked to our call to institute a new Air Battalion.

And results are showing.

For three weeks in a row Italy moved from a weekly air damage worthy of the Top 30 to the Top 20.

And this is only the beginning.

What will they say now?