[HR-MVP] Intervju sa Srpskim Vladarom iz Senke / Interview With The Serbian Puppet Master

Day 2,673, 14:28 Published in Croatia Greece by Croatian Foreign Office

Pomaže Bog bratjo (With God's help brothas!),

Zvanična poseta Beogradu je u toku. Nakon obilaska trezora Narodne Banke Srbije i konstruktivnog ručka sa članovima vlade Republike Srbije, odlučio sam da napravim intervju sa igračem koji je oblikovao ovu zemlju u prethodnih nekoliko godina. Radi se o gospodinu...

My official visit to Belgrade started yesterday. After touring the vault of the National Bank of Serbia and constructive lunch with the members of the government of Republic of Serbia, I decided to make an interview with the player who shaped this country in the last couple of years. It's none other than Mister...

StrideR 83 pozira za najnovije izdanje časopisa ,,Financial Times"
(StrideR 83 posing for the newest edition of "Financial Times")


Hvala što ste izdvojili vreme za novine MVP Republike Hrvatske. Da li možete da se predstavite, koji su to vaši kvaliteti zahvaljujući kojima vladate Srbijom već 5 godina i menjate porez kad god hoćete?

Pa ovo je prekrasno! Nisam očekivao da ćeš me se setiti i ponuditi ovaj intervju! Pa da počnemo...

Ja sam ti ubogi političar eSrpske zajednice koji ordinira scenom protekle četiri godine, a mozda i malo duže... Što se tiče kvaliteta koji su nas održali na vlasti, mogu da istaknem politički pragmatizam i snalaženje u nepoznatim situacijama!

Dobro, a kako Vam polazi za rukom da menjate poreze kad god poželite?

Što se tiče poreske politike, prethodna vlast nas je ostavila maltene bez novca. U svetlu uvođenja novih modula u igru, morali smo u kratkom vremenskom periodu da dođemo do velike količine novca kako bi smo se osigurali od mogućeg puča. U tom smislu smo privremeno podigli poreze, koje ćemo fazno vraćati na neku prihvatljivu meru.

Ko Vam je najveći uzor u igri?

Najveći uzor mi je Plato, koji je uspeo da opelješi toliko ljudi, a da se oni i dalje vraćaju da im uzme još! xe xe Odmah posle njega ide Dejzi (desert hamster), moj dobar prijatelj. 🙂

Kako bi opisali trenutne odnose između Srbije i Hrvatske?


Šta mislite o Cro Roninu i njegovoj odluci da imenuje četnika za MVP?

Za Ronina imam samo reči hvale, a što se tiče njegovog poteza mogu samo da kažem da je to još jedan korak ka pomirenju i približavanju naše dve nacije!

Omiljena hrvatska pevaljka?

Hladno Pivo i Brkovi! Al je sJeverina neprevaziđena.

Omiljeni hrvatski grad?

Rogoznica, kod Šibenika (tamo sam imao kuću), zatim Rijeka.

Kako vidite odnose između dve zemlje u budućnosti?

Europska Unija nam ne gine, a grejaćemo se na drva, jerbo nam nema gasa iz Rusije!

Suptilna poruka. Da li Rusija jednostavno više nije vredna truda s obzirom da stalno isporučuju nove neisplaćene račune?

МАИКА РОССИЈА ЈЕ УВЕК ВРЕДНА ТРУДА!!!!111 (Majka Rusija je uvek vredna truda!)

Kako komentarišete moju odluku da imenujem gjilanija, čuvenog albanskog trola, za ambasadora u Srbiji?

Ne poznajem gospodina, al ukoliko je istaknuti antiSrbista, siguran sam da ćemo pronaći neko lepo mesto za njega na crnoj listi. o7

MPP između Hrvatske i Srbije i uspon Mordora, koliko je to ostvarljivo?

To je tema o kojoj se puno pričalo, spekulisalo, debatovalo, nadalo, demantovalo itd. Jednostavno ne znam šta bih odgovorio na ovo pitanje. Mislim da bi smo trebali sprovesti neki referendum. Ako prođe, prošao je, ako ne, onda ništa od te ljubavi.

Zbog čega vas opozicija u Srbiji mrzi, a Cro Ronin u Hrvatskoj voli?

Opozicija ko opozicija... Oni žele da dođu na vlast a mi smo im glavna prepreka u tome. Pa je sasvim normalno da nas ne vole. Koliko nas Cro Ronin voli, to ne znam, ali da nas poštuje, to znam 🙂 Razlog je jednostavan. Ono što se dogovorimo, to i ispoštujemo.

Da li bi ste za kraj nešto poručili građankama i građanima Republike Hrvatske?

Vodite ljubav, a ne rat. Koliko god ova igra bila ratna, mislim da nas je poprilično približila i uspela da čak i kroz ratni modul razbije neke RL barijere između nas. Tolerancija, multikulturalizam, multukonfesionalnost i međusobno poštovanje je nešto sa čim treba da gradimo zajedničku budućnost u ujedinjenoj evropi! Živeli i srećno. o7

ps. i Severina je rodila sprskog sina čak 🙂

Čemu dugujete tako visoki stepen tolerancije koji ispoljavate i na političkoj sceni Srbije?

Narodu eSrbije!

Hvala na ovom intervjuu.


Thank You for doing this interview for the Croatian MoFA Newspaper. Can You introduce Yourself, what are Your qualities which helped you rule Serbia for 5 years and change taxes whenever you want?

This is so lovely! I wasn't expecting you to think of me and offer me this interview! So to begin...

I'm a piteous Serbian politician who's running rampant on their scene in the last four years and maybe even little longer... As far as the qualities go, I'd say political pragmatism and adaptability.

OK and how do You manage to change taxes whenever You feel like it?

The previous government practically left us penniless. Because of the new modules being introduced in the game, we had to gather large amounts of cash in the short run to secure ourselves from any possible coup. That's why did a temporary tax increase which will then be gradually lowered to an acceptable rate.

Who is Your biggest role model in this game?

My biggest role model is Plato, who managed to rob so many people and they are still coming back so he can take more! he he Right after him is Dejzi (desert hamster), my good friend. 🙂

How would You describe current relations between Serbia and Croatia?


What is Your opinion of Cro Ronin and his decision to appoint a chetnik as MoFA?

I have only praises for Ronin and this move is just another step in the reconciliation and getting our two nations closer together!

Favourite Croatian singer?

Hladno Pivo and Brkovi! But Severina remains on top.

Favourite Croatian city?

Rogoznica, near Šibenik (I had a house there). After that Rijeka.

How do You see the future relations between the two countries?

European Union is unavoidable and we'll burn wood for heating since there will be no gas from Russia!

Subtle message. Is Russia just not worth the effort anymore since they are always sending new unpaid bills?

МАИКА РОССИЈА ЈЕ УВЕК ВРЕДНА ТРУДА!!!!111 (Mother Russia is always worth the effort!)

How do You comment my decision to name illegal name002 aka gjilani, the famous Albanian troll, as the Croatian ambassador to the Republic of Serbia?

I don't know the gentleman but if he's a prominent anti-Serb, I'm sure we'll find a nice place for him on the black list. o7

MPP between Croatia and Serbia and the rise of Mordor, how much is that achievable?

That topic has been discussed, speculated, debated, hoped for, confuted etc. so many times so far. I just don't know what to answer to that question. I think we should make a referendum and if it passes, it passes, if not... Then that love is not meant to be.

Why does opposition in Serbia hate You and Cro Ronin in Croatia love You?

Opposition is like every opposition... They wish to come to power and we're their main obstacle. So it's natural they don't like us. I don't know how much Cro Ronin likes us but I do know he respects us. 🙂 The reason is very simple. We respect all deals made between us.

Would You like to send any message to the citizens of Republic of Croatia?

Make love, not war. No matter how much this is a war game, it managed to bring us closer together and to even break some RL barriers between us, even in the war module. Tolerance, multiculturalism, multiconfessionalism and mutual respect is something we need to build our shared future in the united Europe! Cheers and good luck. o7

P.S.: Even Severina gave birth to a Serbian boy. 🙂

To what do You owe so much tolerance that You're displaying even on the political scene of Serbia?

To the people of eSerbia!

Thank You for this interview.


Kao što je već najavljeno, gjilani, poslednji Albanac u igri, 1xCP i 69xTrol je imenovan za ambasadora u Republici Srbiji. Poželite mu sreću. Prvi članak se očekuje danas. Budi kulturan gjilani, sad si diplomata!

As mentioned before, gjilani, the last Albanian in the game, 1xCP and 69xTroll was appointed as the new Ambassador to the Republic of Serbia. Wish him luck. The first article is expected today. Keep it civil gjilani, you're a diplomat now!

Sve najbolje od vašeg MVP-a (Best regards from your MoFA)!