[GBM] You're Not Punk and I'm Telling Everyone

Day 4,966, 23:20 Published in USA USA by Paul Proteus
"You're not punk and I'm telling everyone.
Save your breath, I never was one
You don't know what I'm all about
Like killing cops and reading Kerouac"

Click for mood musik

It's time for some inside the beltway reporting, some inside baseball, some metaphor mixing. Dear subscriber, we've come so far. And one must imagine Sisyphus happy. But is he? The boulder thing seems like a bummer.

Political Update

Herr Vootsman is president. There are no challengers. Only Voots. But if a President wins an election and nobody is there to hear it, does he still win? According to this game, apparently, the answer is yes.

To learn more we interviewed his cabinet.

Secretary of Education, Tum Bell Weed, an experienced member of the cabinet, has been in 5 of the past 6 cabinets in various roles

GBM: What is the state of the cabinet?
Sec. Weed: ...

GBM: What can Voots do to increase activity?
Sec. Weed: ...

GBM: Do you think the current alliance structure is permanent?
Sec. Weed: ...

GBM: Thank you for your time, any final thoughts?
Sec. Weed: ...

War Update

We had a region yesterday. Tomorrow we will not. Then we will again, maybe. The cycle continues.

Economic Update

Economists report that for the first time the eUS has reached full employment with a striking 0% unemployment rate. To achieve this, researchers at the eBureau of eLabor eStatistics have restricted the population to only include those who actually are looking to do work, limiting the denominator to just being Herr Voots, who is employed as President. Malarkey83, longtime insider source, tells GBM that "honestly, this makes sense. What kind of person is still spending their Friday nights doing actual labor for a browser game. Go, have a life. Or at the very least, find a better game. Have you tried an xbox? They're pretty cool."

Excellent news!

Media Update

Plato announces sweeping changes to increase the visibility and importance of the media module. Our reporters have been told that Media has always been a priority to the game mods, and it's finally showing!

Now all articles will have a 0 word limit to make comment missions more streamlined and efficient. Players will be able to communicate via a series of pre-selected images including the phrases "Comment please" and "I need comments for a mission!"

One, two, three, four, who's punk, what's the score?