[FR-MoFA] Bilan et Concessions [FR&EN]

Day 4,503, 10:03 Published in France France by Diplomatie Francaise

Au cours de la période du 05 au 12 Mars, nous avons négocié avec notre partenaire portugais le renouvellement de la concession d’Iron. Cet accord expire le 11 Avril.
Par la même occasion, deux nouveaux accords ont étés établis, en effet nous avons mit en place deux nouvelles concessions: Le Fish et le Fruit. Ces deux accords expirent le 13 Avril pour le premier et le 8 Avril pour le second.

During the period from 05 to 12 March, we negotiated with our Portuguese partner the renewal of the Iron concession. This agreement expires on April 11.
At the same time, two new agreements have been established, in fact we have implemented two new concessions: Fish and Fruit. These two agreements expire on April 13 for the first and April 8 for the second.

La location de notre Ironà l’Argentine touchera à sa fin le 22 Mars prochain. Celui-ci ne sera malheureusement pas renouvelé pour des raisons militaires sur le territoire Argentin.

The rental of our Iron in Argentina will end on March 22. This will unfortunately not be renewed for military reasons on Argentinian territory.

Comme annoncé dans le Journal Officiel du jour 4494 de l’eMonde (soit le 10 Mars), un embargo commercial a été décrété sur notre ex partenaire sud-coréen afin de se défaire de notre accord commercial pour la location de leur Deer et de notre accord pour la location de notre Fish.
A savoir que cet embargo a été conclu d’un commun accord avec notre partenaire. En effet, des guerres en cours sur le territoire de la Corée du Sud ne permettant plus la disponibilité de leur Deer.

As announced in the Official NewsPaper of day 4494 of the eWorld (March 10), a trade embargo has been decreed on our ex-South Korean partner in order to get rid of our commercial agreement for the rental of their Deer and our agreement for the rental of our Fish.
This embargo was concluded by mutual agreement with our partner. Indeed, ongoing wars on the territory of South Korea no longer allow rental of their Deer.

Suite à la rupture l’accord pour la location du DeerSud-Coréen, nos services ont trimés sans relâches dans l’objectif de retrouver une ressource de Deerdisponible à la location. En effet, sans cette ressource, notre production de food ne peut bénéficier de son bonus à 100%.
Après de nombreuses recherches, nous sommes parvenus à un accord avec les Etats-Unis. Nous remercions chaleureusement le Président des USA: Baby Groot, pour sa disponibilité et son sérieux dans l’étude de notre demande. Nous remercions également le Congrès des USA pour leur confiance à notre égard.

Following the breach of the agreement for the rental of the South Korean Deer, our services have been working tirelessly with the aim of finding a resource of Deer available for rental. Indeed, without this resource, our food production cannot benefit from its 100% bonus.
After much research, we reached agreement with the United States.We warmly thank the President of the USA: Baby Groot, for his availability and his seriousness in studying our request. We also thank the Congress of the USA for their confidence in us.

Après de nombreuses discussions, nous avons réussi à établir un accord avec la Lettonie afin de leur louer trois ressources; Le Fish, le Fruit, ainsi que le Cattle. Bien que cet accord ne soit pas des plus rentable pour notre pays, il est toujours mieux de louer des ressources afin de d’obtenir un revenu, que de les laisser inoccupés. Cela est un exemple concret de notre volonté à louer nos ressources à tous les pays de l’eMonde.

After many discussions, we managed to establish an agreement with Latvia to hire three resources from them; The Fish, the Fruit, as well as the Cattle. Although this agreement is not the most profitable for our country, it is always better to rent resources in order to obtain an income, rather than leaving them unoccupied. This is a concrete example of our desire to rent our resources to all the countries of the World.

→Le Mardi 17 Mars, soit le jour 4501 de l’eMonde, la République eFrançaise Koinmuniste a publié un nouvel article de presse. Nous allons ici, offrir un cours résumé, traduit en anglais, pour nos camarades internationaux.

On Tuesday March 17, Day 4501 of the eWorld, the French Koinmunist Republic published a new press article. Here we are going to offer a short course, translated into English, for our international comrades.

President's speech
«The outcome of this week is really positive. First we were able to fulfill the objectives set during the last Official Newspaper. First, the swaps of our Training Wars are now over. And finally, it was very complicated, but we were able to recover the 100% food bonus!»

«For the coming week, we will do our best, and succeed in managing current business in France (TW, instructions, account monitoring, etc.). With 2 additional objectives, (1) We are still looking for partners to rent our excess resources and thus gain a few additional savings. (2) I also intend to propose to the congress a project, mentioned in my program, and aiming to help the development of lands food in France.»

Diplomatic Point
We are staying on course for neutrality, despite the difficulties that this may pose and the tensions that it may cause, by maintaining dialogue with the countries of the two blocs. It must however be kept in mind that one of the two camps will probably one day end up no longer accepting this neutrality, which has been effective for a few months, but a bit opportunistic. That day, a choice will inevitably have to be made, or else, it will be imposed on us. But whatever happens, French people must be aware that this neutrality will not be eternal.

Military Point
The swaps entered into at the start of the mandate are now terminated. Each partner involved was able to find their new place. So we have 5 TW with a rotation on 3 regions, and Nigeria which stays in Brittany for a TW ping-pong.

→La France prouve ici son sérieux en terme d’accords commerciaux et de gestion des concessions, nos partenaires peuvent en attester. Il s’avère que nous avons encore des ressources disponibles.

France is proving its seriousness here in terms of trade agreements and management of concessions, our partners can attest to this. It turns out that we still have resources available.

►Sable / Sand [x2]◄
►Bétail / Cattle [x1]◄
►Magnésium [x1]◄
►Poisson / FIsh [x1]◄
►Fruits [x1]◄
►Bétail / Cattle [x1]◄

→Si vous êtes un pays intéressé par l’une de ces ressource, quelques soient vos moyens ou même votre position diplomatique, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter. Un accord n’est pas toujours possible, mais la discussion est quand à elle toujours ouverte !

If you are a country interested in one of these resources, whatever your means or even your diplomatic position, do not hesitate to contact us. An agreement is not always possible, but the discussion is still open!