[FED Media] How to make a BLT that is truly epic

Day 3,266, 14:26 Published in USA USA by Melissa Rose

Lady Antebellum - I’m just looking for a good time
Girl you're beautiful
You're 'bout near perfect
But I bet somebody's already told you that
Name your poison
Name your passion
'Cause a boy like me just couldn't help but ask
Keep on talking to me baby
I'm hanging on your every word
Keep those drinks a coming maybe
We'll both get what we deserve

>Spin the Wheel
>Cook and entire package of Bacon and make an Epic BLT and post an article with pictures

Easy right? It’s a BLT how hard can that be. Well it really isn’t hard at all, but to make it Epic.

There is nothing better, as a sandwich (in my opinion) then a BLT. I’ve had them made but I’ve never actually made one before. Turns out it really is just super easy.

You start with the right ingredients

.First the bacon

I usually prefer a thicker bacon but I had this wonderful idea of weaving it like a lattice.

As you can see that didn’t work as I hoped but hey it’s bacon still yummy in anyshape

I spent quite a bit of time considering my next step. (The Epic). Do I just make it a towering beast of yummy? Do I display it and take a mouth watering epic picture. (as you can see above my photo skills are not the best so I chose not to go with the epic picture)

Then it hit me! There is really only one way to make anything truly epic.

It has to be Fed

What a truly epic sandwich. Just look at that FED glory.

Deliciously, But you’ll have to take my word for it… because I’m not sharing