[ESP/ENG/HRK] Gold Giveaway / The End Of My Game

Day 2,016, 02:49 Published in Spain Spain by Crolaki619
Ayer se empezó a correr la voz de que repartía regalos. Tenía un importante stock de armas Q7 y las repartí entre la gente que me mandó peticiones de amistad.

Hoy lo hago a gran escala. Primero, voy a disolver mi tierra, campos de entrenamiento, fábrica de cohetes y ,por último, le reclamaré a SantaBarbara que me devuelva todo lo que deposité en su banco.

Para que os hagáis una idea de lo que tengo, os dejo captura de mi tierra. El resto os podréis imaginar que lo tengo subido al máximo.

Haciendo unos sencillos cálculos, los ingresos por disolver todo ascienden a:

615 GOLD x6
40 GOLD x1
15 GOLD x1
17.5 GOLD x5
4250 CC x9
135 GOLD de la fábrica de cohetes
85 GOLD x4 de los campos de entrenamiento

TOTAL = 3077.5 GOLD + 38250 CC


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Yesterday we started to get the word out presents. He had a large stock of weapons Q7 and distributed them among the people who sent me friend requests.

Today I do a large scale. First, I will dissolve my land, training camps, rocket factory and, finally, he will claim to SANTABARBARA give me back everything I deposited in his bank.

To give you an idea of what I have, I leave my land capture. The rest you can imagine that I have gained the most. [/ B]

Doing some simple calculations, revenues amounted to dissolve all:

GOLD 615 x6
40 GOLD x1
15 GOLD x1
GOLD 17.5 x5
4250 CC x9
135 GOLD rocket factory
85 GOLD x4 training camps

TOTAL = 3077.5 GOLD + 38250 CC [/ b]


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"[Biggest Gold Giveaway Ever] http://www.erepublik.com/es/article/2268161/1/20"

Jučer smo počeli da biste dobili riječ vanjska strana darove. Imao je veliku zalihu oružja Q7 te ih distribuira među ljudima koji su mi poslali zahtjeve za prijateljstvo.

Danas radim velikih razmjera. Prvo, ja ću izgubiti svoju zemlju, kampovi za obuku, tvornicu raketa i, na kraju, on će tvrditi da SANTABARBARA mi vratiti sve što sam pohranjena u banci.

Da bi vam dati predodžbu o tome što ja imam, sam napustiti zemlju snimanje.Ostatak možete zamisliti da sam dobio većinu. [/ B]

radiš neke jednostavne izračune, prihodi iznosili su raspustiti sve:

GOLD 615 x6
40 GOLD x1
15 GOLD x1
GOLD 17,5 x5
4250 CC x9
135 GOLD tvornicu raketa
85 GOLD x4 kampovi za obuku

UKUPNO = 3077,5 GOLD + 38250 CC

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"[Biggest Gold Giveaway Ever] http://www.erepublik.com/es/article/2268161/1/20"