{eRep} New CP Day 8: Stupid is as Stupid does.

Day 3,401, 02:15 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by Rusty D

Ummm hello eIreland,

As you might of noticed from my last article, I had hoped to see the consolatory tone of the media to continue, for olive branches to passed around, for people to group together and hold hands around the camp fire and sing 'Kumbaya my Lord' all in the name of peace and unity for eIreland....

However that was not the case. As many people warned me, someone's ego is far greater then their desire and love of their eNation. This attitude of putting oneself above that of their seat of power or their own people is something that will continue to ensure the down fall of our once great homeland. It is also a true sign of a dictator, who only care's for himself.

This idea of an olive branch came one night on discord, after listening to someone try and use 10yr old insults to troll me, even going to the point of accusing me as a 'kiddy fiddler' and threatening to call my RL employers, myself and a few other players offered a hand of friendship and help. An idea was struck, that if our current leader could stop his lame trolling, offer a retraction (he didnt even have to name names) and try and offer a sort of olive branch, others will return the gesture and we all could work together for the betterment of eIreland.

But after an initial success of the retraction of the Kattiaa claims, even if it was him saying that he lied to the voters, someones ego got the better of him and he would refused to even say any form of nice words to a group of people he has harassed and abused. So due to this, players who could help provide input and advice/assistants, now are sitting back and letting your CP dig his grave further. It is hard for these players to do that, but all honesty, why should they help someone who treats them like s....

Day 8: Face Palms all around

Yes I know I missed Day 7, but between hoping for a change as well in need of a day of rest (the missus flew me to a beachside town, wait for my RL article to be jealous) and of course Day 7 was Sunday, which is a day of rest.

The first face palm starts with this article here:

Resetting Orgs: Umm no it aint that hard. If you have 30 Orgs, start with the ones you need to use right away, it is not like you will be using all 30 to begin with. Reset the main ones for government operations and MM's. And even this is easy as taking a dump on your country... which your good at.

1. Set up email accounts, easy to do with the multiple amount of web based email companies. And no one is going to bother to hack an eRep email address for fake cc.
2. Ticket admins: Simply write the Org account address, the email it is going to and sit back and wait.
3. Reset the password.

Not that hard and it takes 1 day for most of it, a couple of days for admins.

Also if you have not reset the Orgs, why dump all the money in them now???

Face Palm 2....

Spreadsheets: Your using this as an excuse for being a lazy bum?? How hard is it to press ctrl c then open up the other window and press ctrl b, hell I even gave your MoF spreadsheet template that you could of done it into. If your using this as an excuse, you are more lazy then a sloth on taco Tuesday.

Face palm 3....

Hacking of an email:

Okay... you expect us to believe that, people with the know how, would waste their time and talents, plus run the risk of federal prosecution all to hack a eRep email account. Is Plato's CC that valuable?? Come on dude, we arent all as stupid as the guy who looks back at you in the mirror.

Face palm 4....

Freeing ourselves: "First off one has to win 2 battles 2 free oneself. The resistance war and then their attempt to retake the region. And then one needs to continue on this path." WTF??? you dont need to deal with two battles, it takes one RW to free a region. We are wiped, so their will be no follow up attack unless they declare a new NE. And then you say in the comments, that it happens that way in another game.... This is eRep get a grip and deal with it, learn the bloody rules. Remember this is coming from the person who you said was too new to the game and inexperienced to run eIreland.

Face Palm 5....

The Airstrike: You say no one is to blame and then you blame our allies. Everyone knows why MKD AS us... here I will show you a screen shot to remind you:

Well guess what b***h this is on you, yet you claim you have no idea on why they hit us. Instead you blame allies who while as MoD sat back and watch get wiped, claiming "No one messaged me". The fact you can sit here and contradict your self is almost worse then lying to the people time and time again.

Face palm... ummm what is it now... 6

Lazy: this could proberbly be covered individually, but I will most likely run out of face palm .gif images...

1. IT skills to create org emails... dude I aint, IT and I can log in and create emails. It aint that hard and would take 30mins to an hour max.

2. Sent 2 tickets?? why 2? you should be chasing them since day 1 and not needing to send 2 tickets at the same time...

3. Paid 10 players... what did that take you 5hrs??? it should of taken 1 minute max per player. Nice to see your commune workers can work, while others cant.

4. Worked 400 factories... another task that takes a min, click all WaM and click work. Plus the fact you only have Mavrick pack and Power Pack active, I guess you had to wait to get the 4k of energy to do that work eh? pull another one out of your arse. Plus look at the country income screen, it really shows someone worked as WaM in 400 factories.

5. Worked... 1 sec click, wow....

6. Trained... 2 seconds of clicking (after all you had to get to that screen)

7. Wrote an article of lies... well that would of taken a few hours since you had to come up with a story that is more lies then truth.

8. Answer mails... guess those were all asking when the F you were going to do your job.

And then you had the balls to say you played the playstation and had a little baby nap because you were worn out. Why the people of eIreland cant put jobs on the market, cant WaM, cant do squat. But thank God you could have a nanna nap after being so burnt out.

Face Palm 7...

Laws: Yes people want to know what the hell your doing with your laws, considering you have shown time and time again you dont know how to be a CP. Your sending money to orgs and then say you dont have control of them. Speak to the populace, speak to the commune. COMMUNICATION!!!!

Face palm 8...

DO's: you set DO's for a battle you called 'winnable' all the time people were doing an RW for Ireland. So you ignore your own country.... DUDE??? We were winning the air round, which would of put us in front on points. By actually telling people were to fight, and especially for Ireland, it works in multiple factors.

1. Gives us a chance to fight for our freedom
2. Allows players to earn money from TP medals
3. Increases taxes due to medals.
4. If they put on COs it drains their banks (I did not say anything about us using CO's with out co-ordination).
5. It removes their damage from a battle that as he said 'is winnable', We help Arg by diverting MKD damage away from them.


2 Days Time:

PP elections are in 2 days time. I was the only one running for the PP of Omega Eireann until Releasethe Stupid decided to change parties and run against me. I stepped down after current party president Machiavelli asked me too. She is a player I respect and had the pleasure of working with back in eAustralia.

The PP is more a ceromanial post, but it does allow you to choose congress candidates.

11 Days Time:

Congress elections... if we had regions. Congress (while liberated) would allow people to question the acts of the CP, to ask where our money is going, why he is being such a lazy SOB as well as impeach him. But hey, no congress, means he can continue doing as he pleases with the country, while milking it for every penny.

Releasethe Stupid everytime he opens his mouth[/img]

Mate, honestly all it took was for you to write a few words saying sorry to everyone you had wronged, you didnt need to mention names, but as long as Nogin, Chance, Trendo, Harley, WHS and the rest knew you didnt mean all the racist, trolling, abusive, crap that you spilled out. We would be free in a number of days and would be on the way back to economic recovery. Instead you couldnt let your ego get the better of a country, you couldnt be a CP and act diplomatically by putting your nation first.

Sorry Ireland, but our Great Dictator has spoken and signed your fate. However if you want I will cough up the cash and do a liberation so we can impeach is arse and get the country back on track. Otherwise look forward to a month of stagnation and theft.

Thanking you all,
Rusty D
An expat abroad.

For other general musings, please take a look at my Orgs Newspaper: Here