{eRep} New CP Day 3: Releasethe Stupid makes Donald Trump appear smart

Day 3,396, 02:13 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by Rusty D
Releasethe Stupid in the midst of his temper tantrum

Greetings eIreland,

Welcome to the 3rd installment of 'New CP'. As was explained here I will be doing a daily spotlight article on our current CP Releasethe Stupid. I originally started to do this, to prove a point (as explained in the linked article), but now since it has become actually entertaining, as well as a reason for people wanting to move here, I will continue with them.

Posted in my last article

I posted the image above in my last article, since we all kinda knew what would happen once Releasethe Stupid read it (I am hoping he actually knows how to read). And yes I was right. On the topic raised about his false accusations of Kattiaa stealing 1k cc from the DoD Org:

So now our oh Stupid Leader is claiming that 'i did report Kattiaa they did not want to do anything about it'. But I do find it quite weird how a CP can write tickets on an Org, while we are under dictatorship. Normally to gain information about an Org, you have to be the highest ranking official in the country (ie. for Ireland, it would be Dictator). But even with this apparent 'admins not caring', Releasethe Stupid, would not withdraw his false, baseless accusation against an innocent player.

But while we are on the topics of Orgs, we should pop across to the public site, Discord...

Where we see our CP Releasethe Stupid, openly advertising on a channel that is viewed by different nations, his desire to 'Bribe' another countries government into trying to do his dirty work. The thing is, he should realise, that many people can not be bought. This includes Viado the current eAustralian CP.

While I highly doubt any other nation would allow this to happen, I am more concerned for the way it paints our own eIreland. eIreland has approx 30 orgs available to it, these Orgs can be used for government departments, for Money Market movements as well as being rented out to gain another income stream for our nation. But when a CP (crappy trolling or not) says on a public channel, that he will:

1. Try and bribe a foreign power to do his dirty work,

2. In response to Sluagh asking him to respect the Irish citizens who are renting, replies 'Naw there is nothing like that this term'

This all in all, does not go well to advertise any potential Org rentals to help generate the much needed funds.

We are back.... but still minus Daily Orders?

For the fighters out there, seeing the grabbing headline 'We are back' would of installed them with a sense of direction and leadership. They would of quickly opened the article to find out where to go and lay waste to the foes of eIreland... but alas, just like MoD Releasethe Stupid, CP Relasethe Stupid releases a DoD article with no helpful information in it.

Instead of issuing orders (you know, like the ones he should of done as MoD when our friends Chile and Arg were getting wiped, or when Ireland was getting a dual AS), he used the paper to have a stab at Kattiaa yet again "We were also forced to change our avatar as the old one of course was deleted by Kattiaa." all the while an Irish RW was under way, but hey why tell people to fight there?

I have hope that Technician will be able to let our nations fighters where to hit. Since the previous terms MoD was AWOL.

As you have already read above and in a previous issue of my paper, Releasethe Krakken has taken a nice liking to using Discord to attempt to troll, as well as bragging about his illegal activities. So it would come as no surprise that he would issue this paper where he claims:

The need to close down a non-eRep site, out of fear of the truth being spread

The desperate need to cry to eRep to try and shut down my paper

The begging for the citizens of eRepublik to stop reading my articles (are you upset they get more votes than yours?)

Now lets take a look at these three screenshots:

Corrupting the minds of New Players: How is offering a place to chat freely and openly about the happenings in the game, a way to corrupting the minds of young players. We read your articles, which have been proven time and time again as lies, is that more likely to corrupt the minds of young players? As well as anyone who has logged into Discord, can see you are the one who is acting like a 10yr old and attempting to insult everyone based on their race, nationality, skin colour and anything else that you can think of.

Disrupting the news fee😛 As pointed out above, my articles are getting more votes, more fun social commentary, as well as getting people to apply for CS here. They are also informative with the last article actually having an educational section to it. While you went out and release this lovely racist and insulting article here, and many more, including insulting the CP of India at one time, printing baseless lies, printing just general rubbish.

Please don't read Rusty D's articles: Are you afraid that the spotlight that is on you is enlightening the public to the truth? We are a country who is under a dictatorship, so we are allowed to question what the dictator/government does. People have the right to read both sides of the news and make up their own mind.

Ireland will never be censored

Our CP Releasethe Stupid has also issued to newspapers talking about his new term in office, firstly there was his "My Mandate" where he states his goals as:

Followed by another mandate in his article The finial Dictator (and yes it was hard to avoid accidentally doing a typo), where he states his new goals as:

It is good to see in his first mandate, he has moved away from encouraging the citizens from breaking eRep laws and buying new accounts. Instead he says he will ask key players to do educational pieces... Dont worry Releasethe Stupid, I will teach you about the game (education bit a little below). The rest of his promises, are in line with his Economical Plans article, however the 'Emptying of the treasury' should raise some concerns with out him going into details about where it is going (he has already said he wants to empty all orgs and treasury to prevent it being stolen) and how it will be spent. After all you need to leave money in the kitty for the next government.

In his second mandate, we see that empty the treasury has moved into number 1 spot.... mmmm.... nothing about education any more.

But I do find a a bit of shining light in the fact he is apparently going to give David Allenkey a bit more openness and control in the financial markets. After my article speaking about the Trito administration, I have had several PMs with David and I believe while he is still a little bit green behind the ears, his heart and mind are in the right area.

Edumacational Section

Trade Embargo Laws:

These are laws that a proposed by the government/dictator in power. They are used by governments actions to prohibit trade with another nations. Once the law has passed, certain things will take place:

- The embargo is based on citizenship. If your citizenship country has a trading embargo with country X, you will not be able to sell products to country X's markets regardless of where you currently live.

- If you are a general manager and you have products for sale in that country, your offer will remain in the foreign market until you either remove it or the products sell out, but you will not be able to update the offer or create new offers whilst the trade embargo is active.

- Wars act like trade embargoes so always check the military page in your country. This is worth to note, because in war's or while there is an active NE, once can not work as WaM if their holding company is in occupied territory

All Trade Embargo laws last for 30 days, however they can be extended by proposing another one (just look at Canada and the USA). They can not be voted away...

Thanking you all,
Rusty D
An expat abroad.

For other general musings, please take a look at my Orgs Newspaper: Here