[EN/RO] Changes, Day 1330

Day 1,330, 01:47 Published in Romania Romania by Alexandru Chivu
[English version]

Near daychange from Day 1329 to Day 1330, we had a said "15 minutes Dowtime" that lasted about 20-25 minutes, and in which some changes have occured. In this article I will present the changes that occured during this downtime and that I have discovered for now.

Since there is no Insider, forum topic, mass message... to indicate exactly what this limit means, I will say what I heard about this change.

The new limit of employees in a comany is 5 workers

•You cannot hire more than 5 employees in one company owned by a citizen
•Companies that had more than 5 employees didn't have their workers fired
•If you have a company in which you have more than 5 employees, the productivity won't be lower
•Companies that are on Organization accounts have a limit of 0 employees, so they will keep their current employees, but if those decide to quit/get fired the Organization can't hire any others
•All Job Offers from companies having more than 5 employees and Organization companies have been removed

Universal 10 health spent on any activity

•Before this change, working as a manager and fighting were the activities that spent 10 wellness, meanwhile every Train was spending 1 wellness, and every 1 Quality Star of a company where you were employed was spending 1 wellness (Raw companies are considered 1 Star companies) (ex: Q1=1 health, Q2=2 health...)
•After this change, any activity spends 10 wellness, so basically any click whether it's working, fighting or training spends 10 wellness.

If you have any additional information about the changes, leave a comment and I will add it.

[Romanian Version]

Cu putin timp dupa schimbarea zilei eRepublik de la 1329 la 1330, a fost o perioada de "Downtime timp de 15 minute" care a durat 20-25 minute. In acele minute pierdute, au fost schimbate niste aspecte ale jocului, in acest articol va voi prezenta schimbarile descoperite pana acum.

Din lipsa unui Insider, forum topic, mesaj... de la "Plato" pentru a indica precis si concret schimbarile, voi prezenta ce am descoperit personal despre aceste schimbari.

Noua limita de 5 muncitori la firme

•Nu puteti angaja mai mult de 5 cetateni in o singura companie detinuta de un cetatean
•Companiile avand deja peste 5 lucratori ii vor pastra
•Daca aveti o companie cu mai mult de 5 muncitori, productivitatea nu va scade
•Companiile care sunt pe o Organizatie au o limita de 0 muncitori, astfel isi vor pastra actualii angajati, dar daca acestia sunt concediati/demisioneaza, acea Organizatie nu va mai avea posibilitatea de a angaja
•Toate ofertele de munca ale companiilor avand mai mult de 5 muncitori si companiile administrate de Organizatii au fost anulate

Regula universala de 10 puncte de viata la orice activitate

•Inainte de aceasta schimbare, a lucra ca "manager" si a lupta erau cele doua activitati care consuma 10 punce de viata, pe cand fiecare Antrenament consuma 1 punct de viata, si fiecare Stea Calitativa a unei companii unde erati angajati consuma 1 punct de viata (Companiile de "Raw" erau considerate companii de 1 Stea) (ex: Q1=1 punct de viata, Q2=2 puncte de viata...)
•Dupa aceassta schimbare, orice activitate consuma 10 puncte de viata, deci orice click dat pentru a munci, lupta sau a se antrena consuma 10 puncte de viata.

Daca aveti informatii suplimentare despre aceste schimbari, lasati un "comment" si eu il voi adauga.
