[EN] eRepBox - About

Day 3,901, 23:23 Published in Russia Russia by Arar Baker

eRepBox is a unique system of parsing, monitoring and publishing of the eRepublik data. The history of collecting of the statistics begins in the distant 2010 in the era of V1. In the summer 2017, a decision was made to reconstruct the project. Please take into the account that the eRepbox team - is a team of one person. The work is slow, but the rate of the development does not prevent from moving forward, reaching new horizons and achieving success.

At the moment on the site the following statistics is presente😛

* Player's personal statistics, including the dynamics of gaining the rank / air rank / experience / strength, as well as the player's online. In the test mode the damage targeting system was implemented. It tracks the damage of each player as precise as possible. You can immediately track your BH medals at the same time.

* Top players. Here you can see the top 100 players by rank / air rank / experience / strength. There are both world statistics and statistics by countries. Below you as well can see the top 20 countries based on the activity of players.

* Packers. On the starting page of the section, the top 20 countries based on the quantity of the packers is presented. An actual list of all packers for a particular country with the possibility of sorting by the desired pack is also included in the section. In addition, on the general page, you can see the top 20 countries by firepower, calculated by some formula.

* Battles. List of all battles with the possibility to search by region or by country. Based on the targeting system, for each battle damage charts are presented and the collected damage statistics for each of the rounds is available.

* Revenue. Statistics of tax revenues.

Link - http://erepbox.russianwill.ru/

More information about different systems and the principle of their operation can be found here: RU / EN

Also, the project has a Telegram channel for reading the latest updates: t.me/erepbox (or "erepbox" in search of channel)

*North Citadel - russian sect of programmers V1 eRepublik.