{eMoI} News From the Front

Day 3,501, 23:22 Published in Ireland Ireland by University of Ireland
This article is meant to be a light hearten look at recent events, so dont take it too seriously

Greetings from the battle front Ireland,

As the Irish government has come to face a new threat, we here at Irish International Media, wanted to bring you all the latest from the front lines. We wanted to bring you news from the battle in Cork, however by the time we dispatched reporters, the French military was left scattered and burning.

However we were able to join our brave soldiers on the front line in Mayo as well as reach out to them in the resistance war of Dublin. So now we cross over to John Simpson...

John Simpson, live from a burnt out UK tank in Mayo


Mayo, the manufacturing hub of eIreland, with Iron, Saltpeter, Oil and Aluminum was yet again under attack from the UK forces, but at least this time it wasn't under the disguise of a Training War, instead it was shortly after the eUK CP officially ripped up the Training War agreement and stabbed Ireland in the back by taking advantage of the situation and invading Ireland.

However this time, knowing that the UK military, was being led by a double crosser, the Irish were waiting for them. The battle was very swift and with the help of Irish allies, the British forces met heavy fire, which forced them to retreat. We were lucky enough to get some photo's of this battle for the industrial hub of eIreland.

A destroyed British tank in an Irish field
Another destroyed British tank


Over in Dublin, the brave Irish citizens rose up against the oppressive UK forces, once they did their un-gentlemanly deed and back tracked on the agreement. These resistance forces, faced little trouble in defeating the occupying British troops, and even manage to capture some. Reports did come in, that they also faced paid French soldiers late in the battle, where they saw them trying to hand out French money for anyone willing to fight with the British.

Irish resistance fighters marching through Dublin at the end of the battle

Resistance fighters posing for a photo during a lull in the battle

Even the lasses were getting involved

Captured British soldiers being sent back to the UK after being released by order of Rusty D

Where is the next battle?

Well Ireland has two places it can attack, both with their own up's and down's to them.

A high priced map showing the options

Option A: Northern Ireland.

Option A for Ireland would be to press the attack Northwards and reclaim Northern Ireland. While this would not present an economical advantage, since it lacks any resources, it can be seen as both a Strategic move as well as a Morale booster.

Strategically speaking, Northern Ireland offers a way to get into the North of England, via Scotland, this way avoiding any potential threats from Canada and USA who all share land borders with Wales.

Propaganda boost from the rejoining of Ireland to make it 'one' again, would boost the troops morale as well as support from home.

Option B: Wales.

Wales, like Northern Ireland offers no resources to be had. But it offers an easy route into the capital of the UK, by making it more of a direct line of battles. However strategically it becomes a gamble. While the USA has not hinted at any hostile action towards eIreland, they are still MPP partners with France and still annoyed at some past actions of eIreland.

On the other hand, eCanada is a MPP partner and alliance partner of eUK, so they might also look at taking advantage of eIreland if it was to attack Wales.

Time Will Tell

With the Irish CP Rusty D's promise to try and bring this war to an end soon, as well as try and not to hold any UK regions for long, we will wait and see which route he will lead his troops down.