{eIre DoD} National MU: Your chance to help pave the future.

Day 3,451, 05:30 Published in Ireland Ireland by Irish Department of Defence

Dia Dhuit Ireland,

Welcome to a special Department of Defence article. While your use to seeing articles in regards to the DO's, today the Irish DoD would like to talk to you about the idea of a National MU.

While this idea is not new, since in the past Ireland had one, in recent times the previous congress moved away from the Irish Army as the national MU. However this term after a recent proposal, it has become apparent that the majority of voting congress members would like to see a National MU under the control/appointment of the elected CP.

The Vote

After a proposal request from a congress member to re-appoint the Irish Army as the national MU, this was the results (in order of most votes):

The IA under direct government control: 6
No national MU: 4
IA as the National MU in it's current form: 2
A National MU: 2
Abstain: 1

As you can see from above, there is a desire to have a national MU that is under direct control of the elected CP (comments with the vote showed this as well). So the Department of Defence would like to start looking into this in an official capacity.

What can you do?

While the Country President elections are coming, the current DoD would like to start having discussions in regards to the idea of a National MU. So we would like to hear from any interested Irish citizens to brain storm some ideas about the creation of the MU, leadership of the MU, supply system etc.

Once these idea's have been drafted, they will be presented to congress for official approval and start the creation of the MU. So if your interested, please comment below.

Your Government Team.