[EDEN]... is cool in December!

Day 1,473, 07:34 Published in Finland Greece by Greek Ministry of Health

The EDEN ArenA

Greetings EDEN,

First we would like to announce the EDEN ArenA winners, and they are, in this order:

1. Myrmidons
3. eItalian Elite

4. FAP
5. VM

Here you have the complete results.

As stated before, among material prizes,"Voice of EDEN" will also be granted to the winners of this contest. After the latest Media Module changes, the organization newspapers cannot be moved anymore. This is indeed a serious blow for what "Voice of EDEN" stood for so long, a way of increasing cohesion inside the EDEN family, between countries, soldiers and citizens. However the Admins granted us one last wish, to be able to move "The Voice" one last time and we thought, what better way to choose a country but the one who`s Military Unit will win the EDEN Arena.

So tonight, all Greeks can rejoice, for the Myrmidons gave you another reason to be proud of and won this prize on your behalf. "Voice of EDEN" is coming to Greece!

Note: The reason this article came live later is because we kept hoping the Admins will move it sooner so we can publish this article in Greece. However, this didn`t happen, which is of no surprise anymore. But hopefully soon...

New EDEN Supreme Commander elections

Unfortunately, as many of you probably heard already, Octavius Julius was forced to quit Erepublik, at least for the time being, because of real life issues. And I say unfortunately because he was really going for a change. He had the open mindedness and the intelligence to restructure EDEN from its core. He had the will and the people to help him do what his predecessors did not. But like I said, his mandate ended after less than 2 weeks from his elections and the projects were frozen.

In the next couple of days, there will be new SC elections and I hope that his successor will continue his reforms and bring a new wind of change in the EDEN HQ and in EDEN.

In the end...

In other news, we found out that Australia decided to part with EDEN. They brought about a few reasons that made them leave our brotherhood and our aSC The Clairvoyant would like to make light in this case. You can read about it below. I would like to thank The Clairvoyant and to add that I like his writing style and we would be fortunate to have more of his writings published in "The Voice".

In the end, always remember, EDEN will stand strong for as long as we stand strong. EDEN is in you, EDEN is me, EDEN is in all of us together. Victory lays in unity. This is what made the difference between EDEN and other alliances. This is why the Edenites are still here, while the others are not. They were, then they were not, then they reborn like a mythological bird which eventually turned to dust once more 🙂

Long live EDEN!

Your EDEN PR bringing you more messages of loving your enemies till death do them apart,


Australia steps down the EDEN express

More than 2 years ago, a stubborn alliance was born: EDEN. The evergreen tree is growing stronger ever since. The roots, bound up in the soil of solidarity, fertilize the tree with values like honor, unity and valor.

The bounds of the alliance members survived through hard times and times of prosperity, through victories and losses. Many have passed – many have left through these 2 years. Major or lesser countries of our e-World. They owe a lot to EDEN while EDEN owes them nothing. We all have benefit from this adventure, we have made new friends, have fought great battles, have taste the sweet taste of victory or bitter defeat. We all know that we are just passengers in all this. And everybody has the free will to depart any time he wants.
What really makes the difference, is the way someone departs this alliance. There are countries that are still good friends of EDEN –like USA or countries that hate EDEN because they never really understood what this Alliance stands for – like Poland, Sweden or Spain.

2 days ago, Australia officially announced that they will be departing EDEN. A decision we hope that represents the will of the majority of e-Australians.
e-Australia has been the target of ONE and Indonesia ever since ONE was created. They have suffered all this time long periods of total fade from erepublik map, but they never stopped fighting. EDEN did not stop fighting with them either.

After reading this official article from Australian government, there are some things that have to be clarified, and explained to the members of EDEN; we do not have to answer to anyone else.

The last 2 months was a hard period for EDEN. The alliance yield under pressure of the stronger ONE nations, leading each and every member into defending wars- wars for existence. As a result, each and every member was feeling rather alone in all this. And Australia was not an exception. They fought hard, they fought with passion. But this was just not good enough to fight down the hordes of ONE. It’s totally intelligible that people there have been tired of constant warfare they just had to end all this. Nobody denied them to do the best for their country.

There are some whispers claiming that Australian representatives did not have access to EDEN’s channels. And what's more, these accusations have been the occasion for eAus to declare themselves out of the alliance.
Accusations leveled at the HQ of EDEN, accusations that were not supported by proofs. When a new government is elected in each country-member of EDEN, they must submit to HQ the registered IRC nicknames of the people that will represent this member into the communication channels. Australia did this and all nicks they provided to HQ, were added in this invite list, without any exception. So either by lack of interest, or because there had to be an occasion, there was actually no Australian representative in EDEN’s channels for almost entire month, except callhum that was active and requested help whenever Australia wanted some.

But what is done, it’s done. Decisions have already been made, and e-Australia have chosen “Neutrality”. Neutrality is a term that cannot exist in a bipolar world.

And erep’s world is bipolar. When you decide that you do not like one side, the only alternative is other side. So, do not try to gild the pill. Leaving EDEN is your wide open road to ONE.

Good Luck.

EDEN Assistant Supreme Commander,

The Clairvoyant

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