Day 3,274, 22:45 Published in Ireland Ireland by Black Panther I

Hello Ireland,
Looks like I’m back (again) from Australia. The only conclusion I’ve made while spending time over there was that I can only dedicate myself entirely to just two countries: Ireland and Croatia. I’ll let you know that Australia might be even in worse situation than Ireland is when it comes to internal conflicts (believe it or not). Anyway, I’m very glad to be back and I’m sad that I left Australia so fast, I didn’t expect that, but it’s just not ‘home’.

While in Australia I’ve been paying close attention to what’s going on in eIreland. When I left we had a strong national MU and pretty nice situation in the country. Things aren’t looking that great now, but I’m sure we can change it to the better. At least we have several new members of our small community. Welcome people, we need you here and we’re all glad you’ve chosen Ireland as your new country.


The reason I’m writing this article isn’t to comment too much on how things are going in eIreland, I’ve started it because of a new tool I’ve learned about while being abroad, most important one being Discord. The reason I’m introducing Discord in eIreland is because most of other countries has already started to use it and I would hate to see us far behind.

Discord is a ‘new IRC’ ; it can be used in three ways:
1. As an smartphone app
2. As desktop programme
3. As broswer page.

You can use it multiple ways and it’s always the same. Chatting tool used mostly by gamers (WoW and such games I don’t play). Discord’s design is absolutely it’s advantage compared to IRC, it looks great. But it’s not the best Discord can offer, it’s very simple, easy-to-register tool which can make wonders with communities such ours is.

It takes only about 20 seconds to register on it (when you do it, use your ingame nick) and another 30 seconds to realize how it works. I promise you’re gonna absolutely love it. It’s very convenient to use it for our National Summits, Irish Army coordinated strikes, congress discussions and literally everything else.


Give it a look!

Yeah, I know I could have do this better, sorry…

This is how it looks on bigger servers (Croatian public)

You can give various roles to the people..

What do we get by using Discord?

Above all the advantages Discord is best for community, it’s very easy way to communicate much faster and with better effects, Discord can host our coordinated strikes, there are a lot of options such as pinned messages, you don’t get pinged all the time, but you still get the message. There are already several bots made by erepublik players which can be used to improve Discord expirience.

Government can use it for secret meetings, alliances can use it for alliance meetings (and they do that), Congress can use it to discuss things, Army can use it for strikes. Everyone can use it!

I’m going to organise the first All Irish Coordinated strike on Discord (you’re gonna be messaged about it) in Tuesday 13:00 erep time and hopefully we’ll have a lot of fighters on it! It’s one of the ways to unite our nation, don’t forget there’s not many of us playing for this community, we have to stick together!


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Go raibh maith agat le haghaidh léamh!
