[DINNY4CP] Come Together, Right Now

Day 3,480, 06:02 Published in USA USA by Dinnyin

Mood Music: Come Together

My Fellow eAmericans,

When you look at eAmerica what do you see? I see a once vibrant community that has been in decline for some time now. Simply looking at our elections draws a picture of how we once had several hundred voters, and how that number has been in steady decline.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, we are not alone. The eRepublik community at large is in decline.

As I sat at my desk last evening contemplating what I wanted to share with you as my plan for the coming month, I looked at the whole picture and thought, there is soooo much that needs to be done, but where to start? Boiling down the problem we are facing, all signs point to


So what can we do, as members of this community who do not want to see it dwindle away into nothingness? The answer is quite simple.

We can engage each other! I believe that there are two primary roles of a Country President, to engage and excite the people on the domestic front and to expand and protect the sovereign interests of the nation from external threats. While I believe Derpy has done a good job in the last couple of months of cleaning up our foreign relations, the domestic front has fallen from his focus.

It is my intention to revitalize our domestic programs to engage and excite this community, while also attending to our foreign relations to provide plenty of action for our militarized citizens.

On the domestic front, all of our current Dept of Citizens Affairs programs will be overhauled and I intend to add contests and additional programs to help new players get established in the community.

Working together with our alliance members, I intend to identify military targets that will provide continuous training wars, at the very least, to boost currency income through True Patriot medals.

It is my sincere hope that by working together and reaching out to all active community members, we can keep this community alive. This goal can only be achieved through engagement. We need to engage our players domestically as well as internationally, and I believe I have the right plan to make that effort successful.

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Federalist Candidate for Country President
eUnited States of America