[CPF] Thank God We're Famous

Day 2,504, 10:05 Published in Canada Canada by Dozzer_x
Salutations and greetings.

First of all I would like to thank everyone in Canada who voted for the Canadian Progressive Front. We’ve come out of this election stronger and united than before, and we have kept an active and involved caucus.

As presidential elections come, we stand united and we have confidence that we will defeat those who are malevolent towards us just as David defeated Goliath. We have been the party that has provided Canada not only with credit cards and strength, but more importantly, with brains. And this is what we’ll continue to do.

One of the announcements I’d like to make is that the Canadian Progressive Front has signed a protocol with three other parties from around the world to create the International Party Association (IPA), a family of parties that aim to cooperate with each other and improve relations between them and their countries. For the time being, we’ve been joined by one party from Romania, one from Serbia and one from Uruguay. Two parties, from France and Argentina, are interested in joining IPA. Through this agreement, CPF will boost Canada’s foreign relations by having a stronger cooperation with people from allied countries and will boost the party’s stance on the international scene.

You can read more about the International Party Association here.

NOTE: the agreement does stipulate that parties will grant party members from other IPA parties citizenship in their countries. But this is only done after a discussion between the parties involved and the agreement also stipulates that, if an Immigration Council exists in a country, the party’s obligation is only to vouch for citizenship, and under no circumstance to automatically grant citizenship. The Canadian Progressive Front will never ignore the decisions of the Immigration Council of Canada.

So, we’re world famous now! 😃

The next thing that is to be discusse😛 presidential elections. As you may or may not know, I have put forward my desire to be nominated as a presidential candidate. As I have been in the past three governments, it is my desire to candidate in order for Canada to have stability and smoothness. But obviously, that doesn’t mean I’m not running to change some things.

In the Canadian Progressive Front, primaries will start this night and will last 48 hours in order for our members to vote. At the time this article is written, the following people have announced their candidature and will be put on the CPF primary ballot: Dozzer_x; Rylde.

The result of the primaries will be announced in two days.

The last thing to discuss is also about presidential elections, but it’s about my candidature.

I have become the Party President of the Canadian Progressive Front on the 16th of July. I have been re-elected two times, and throughout my terms I have overseen two successful congressional elections and two successful country presidential elections. CPF’s CPs, Thedillpickl and TheSmoke, have proven to be some of the best governments Canada has had in the past months. Our governments have not been based solely on credit cards, like others are, but they have been based on strategy and coordination with the allies. Foreign affairs played an important part in Canada’s recent successes. And Canada, without a good foreign affairs team, will not be able to survive.

That’s why I have set the following outlines for my presidency, if I get to win Canada’s confidence: I plan to provide the government with a real reform, by creating a different structure. From my experience in government, I have observed that certain domains are strongly interlinked and that dividing the Cabinet into foreign affairs, defence, finances and some other departments, some gaps are created. That’s why, my government will go on three lines: strategy, cooperation and supply. To ensure this, ministries will be replaced with departments that will have a clear purpose.

I think this will make us work better and will make my plans for this month, if elected, run smoothly. It’s too early to go into details, but here are some general lines that my government would follow: stronger cooperation and coordination with allies, in ATLAS, Asteria and LETO, a more comprehensive military strategy that will give some action to the Canadian people, a balanced and responsible budget in order to have enough money for our future endeavours.

I plan on writing two-three more articles over the course of the following days, if I get to win the nomination of the CPF. My plan is not to be a partisan president, and this is why my government will be diverse and inclusive, with representatives from all political parties. Because I judge people based not on their party, but on their individual performance.

See you soon.

Best regards,
Leader of the Canadian Progressive Front