[CP] State of the Union (Day 2164)

Day 2,164, 07:12 Published in Canada Canada by Addy Lawrence


On October 5th, a majority of eCanadian voters provided me with a mandate to build an eCanada of vision, passion, and purpose. I have an outstanding team of people to help me achieve this:

Vice-President, Rylde
Vice-President, Acacia Mason
Minister of Defence, klop123
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Shoi12
Minister of Finance, Bryan Alexander.


Opening Remarks

The rumours of my resignation have been greatly exaggerated, I am here until November 4th at which time I intend to hand over the reigns in a professional manner.

Almost singlehandedly, eCanada will provide two nations with a congress and we didn't even have to declare war to do it.

On the Maple Tulip Agreement...

Yesterday, eCanada congress ratified a rental agreement with eNetherlands for up to four regions. The affectionately dubbed "Maple Tulip Agreement" provides for eNL to occupy Northwest Territory, Yukon, British Columbia or Alberta provided eCanada concurs and in exchange for 8% of their monthly revenues, including half of the gold earned by their congress in elections, for each of the four regions they occupy.

Some countries fight for their allies but eCanada does not have the military swagger of a Serbia, Poland, or USA. eCanada does have an abundance of regions and empathy for countries who have been wiped for continuous periods of time. This deal provides eNL the opportunity to stay on the map and build a community within eRep. It also provides eCanada with additional revenues each month at no cost to game mechanic nor tax base.

This is a win/win deal.

Once eUS reclaims their regions bordering eCanada, eNL will commence a war to claim these region rentals for their own.

Congratulations to congress for dealing with the variety of communication issues on this file as well as several bullish attempts by myself to expedite this file through congress so that these regions could be available to eNL by Oct 25th.

The process may have been ugly, but the outcome is beautiful.

On the Swiss Bacon Agreement...

Ever have a burger with Swiss cheese and Canadian Bacon? Well, you'll be eliving in one very shortly.

Today, eCanada congress is poised to ratify a rental agreement with eSwitzerland for the province of Alberta. The Swiss Bacon Agreement will provide eSwiss the right to occupy Alberta in exchange for a sum of $3,000 CC each month. The deal is month-to-month, renewable on a mutual basis each month for a term of another month.

eSwiss has been consistently wiped and this deal provides them with a home safe from their enemies.

eSwiss RW'd back a region yesterday and moved an airstrike on Alberta, as well as NE'ing eSlovenia. eSwiss has some breathing room from eSlovenia now and is focusing on winning their Airstrike on Alberta this afternoon.

It is critical that eCanada lose the battle of Alberta to eSwiss. They only have one shot at this. Fight for eSwiss in Alberta this afternoon.

I congratulate eSwiss CP Alexandre Walen on his work to date in revitalizing his country, the campaign yesterday was epic for a variety of reasons, he appears to have earned the confidence of our congress based on the interim vote count to accept the Swiss Bacon Agreement, and I wish he and all eSwiss luck in their battle this afternoon in Alberta.

A final note, Alberta is not being rented twice. eSwiss will get this region. The eNL agreement provides flexibility for this and congress prefers to get countries back on the map as opposed to renting out extra regions.

On the impeachment attempt...

A lot has happened in the last five days and quite a bit of it was negative drama with me as the central figure. The impeachment attempt appeared to be more of a troll than anything else but I could sense that some congressmen were pissed that it happened because some merit was building for a lack of confidence given some communication issues perceived, or legit, between me and the eUS over the region swap and me and eNL over the region rental. I don't believe these were impeachment worthy but I do believe these incidents shook the confidence of congress in me and for that reason it would have been prudent to keep the impeachment option open.

I believe these snafus are behind us and we've turned a corner, reaching agreement on the contentious issues.

As I have come to learn, the first in-game impeachment attempt is seldom legit but the second one is ALWAYS legit.

On the Congressional No-Fly List...

IMO, congress has done something great here along the lines of self-regulation and I highly recommend that you seek out a congressman to get the full scoop.

I must say it has been an absolute pleasure to witness this congress-led initiative emerge, take shape, and be put into legislation. This is a fantastic measure of accountability and I commend this term's congress for a job well done.

Closing Remarks and Shameless Plugs...

We are turning the final corner of this horse race as the congress campaigns and ballot positioning takes shape over the next few days. I look forward to the home stretch of this CP term and I wish all the congress candidates out there the best of luck.

Who's your daddy?