[CP] Permit me a 3rd Term

Day 2,690, 21:33 Published in Nigeria USA by Oothere

Greetings fellow Nigerians,

It’s been weeks since I had last written an article and I do want to apologize for the late announcement and delays. In this article, I am going to discuss all what happen this month and the activities my administration have performed. I am going to discuss about our political, economy, foreign affairs, and candidature for CP election. I will be brief…


This month Nigeria was unable to congress due to the fact that our region was been taken and we still receive a major Ptoer threat. With our current status, I fear that politics in Nigeria would become more disruptive and we would be unable to work together in the future. To prevent that from happening, the only way we can organize fair political elections in Nigeria is by working together once again, supporting each other, and having a meeting with our political leaders in power. Let’s have a say on what we think and the future of this nation is heading to..


Nigeria is powerless economically and completely broke due to the fact that we were robbed off our wealth by official minister of economy, Poncho Warrior, of the previous administration. We are unable to compete with other nations because we lose allies, citizens, and some of our important regions. We are not even making much money through taxes. What we are doing now is trying to make profit of what we currently have. As of today, Nigeria GDP is around 24k cc compared to what we had before we were robed, around 300k cc. This month, we also sent most of the funds to the org, but as of today, the funds in the org is completely emptied due to the fact that we will fear another Political threat in election but I assure you all that the funds will be sent back to the Country Treasury after CP or Congress election. The reason is that, this would allow us to test our level of Security economically to 100% safe.

Foreign Affairs

Once again, Nigeria is free from the hands of Argentina but we still fear for another major attack. Luckily, we got into the hands of Uruguay for support. Our relationship with Uruguay is Peaceful and we are planning on making a deal with them. This deal is one of the reason NE was proposed on them and allowing them to completely wipe us off our regions. In return, Nigeria would still get back 2 regions, and the rest would stay with Uruguay until we are completely free of major threat, if our population rises, and we are economic stable. In the other hands, Nigeria would still receive back taxes from Uruguay. This deal is still in process and we are waiting for the outcome of this proposal. I would announce the outcome as soon as there is a response but we might have to wait after CP election because Uruguay might be moving to a new administration and they have to be aware of our proposal.

CP election

One of the reasons I am running again was that during the previous months we had lots of disruption. We were unable to complete some of our daily task but to be honest most of us have other things to do apart of playing here in erepublik. Some of my administration team have family to take care of; some had to go to school and work. So with all that, was one of the reasons I didn’t want to pull pressure on my administration team than I did when I first got elected here in eNigeria.

I feel hopeful that this month we would be able to complete what we didn’t complete the previous month. Our relationship with Uruguay, if successful, would allow us to re-arrange our politics and economic affairs. This should also give us space on how we address our CP, Congress, and Party President election.

Nigeria can be strong enough by the work we all do to build this community. We can’t just be enemy of each other. If we were, there wouldn’t have been progress and we would still be in chaos.

For this reasons, Do you all Permit me a 3rd term?

Thanks Again