[Conway] The Cabinet

Day 1,929, 13:49 Published in Ireland Ireland by MrConway

Citizens of Ireland,

In this article I will present to you my cabinet. I have chosen my cabinet as they are the best at what they do. I have full confidence that they will deliver this month if I am elected and will give 100% towards the cause. So without further delay, the gang:

Taoiseach - MrConway

Tánaiste - Ian E CoIeman

Everyone knows Ian. He is a well respected member of our community who has worked as Minister of Education several times. Working together my plan with Ian is to improve communications between Government and the public and to improve our services for New Citizens. Working with Ian, nothing can go wrong.

Minister of Finance - Sweet Drinker

Sweet Drinker is the greatest economist in the eWorld. Transfering Ireland from one of the poorest to the richest nations before, Sweet Drinker is a weapon of economic success. Having him included in my cabinet is an honour and to have him back serving the Irish population would be a bonus and a half.

Ministers of Defence - Seanan and MUFC992

We all know these two guys. Both have been Commanders of the Irish Army. Seanan is at present. Both have brilliant military knowledge and no doubt with these guys in the Department our borders will be protected.

Minsters of Foreign Affairs - ChewChewShoe and FlorenciaC

Whats special about these two is that they're eMarried. Hopefully the passion they put into their eLove can be put into passion for the job. Both have excellent knowledge of foreign affairs and have an extensive list of contacts. They can pull the right strings and Ireland will become known again on the map.

Ministers of Community - John Gormley and MR. HANK SCORPIO

John has provided us with daily jokes for who knows how long now and is the most active citizen in publishing articles in our media. A nice guy who gets the job done. He'll keep you entertained. And MR. HANK, new on the scene to Irish governments, this guys has extreme energy to burn and what better of a place to burn it than providing events and games for our community!

Advisor - Irishbhoy1967

Pure genius. Nuff said.

I thank you for your time in reading this, I will publish one more article before the election.

Until then, have a nice day,

Irish nationality is an ancient spiritual tradition, one of the oldest and most august traditions in the world. Politically, Ireland's claim has been for freedom in order to the full and perpetual life of that tradition. The generations of Ireland have gone into battle for no other thing. To the Irish mind for more than a thousand years freedom has had but one definition. It has meant not a limited freedom, a freedom conditioned by the interests of another nation, a freedom compatible with the suzerain authority of a foreign parliament, but absolute freedom, the sovereign control of Irish destinies. It has meant not the freedom of a class, but the freedom of a people. It has meant not the freedom of a geographical fragment of Ireland, but the freedom of all Ireland, of every sod of Ireland. And the freedom thus defined has seemed to the Irish the most desirable of all earthly things. They have valued it more than land, more than wealth, more than ease, more than empire.