[Code-Y] Understanding the Insane

Day 1,227, 13:40 Published in Canada Canada by Code-Y

Today I've come across an interesting character who goes by the name Rylde. I decided to have an arranged meeting with him in #Secretz to discuss how he felt about erepublik and just generally have a chat. I've published some of the questions and answers here for your personal enjoyment. Stay reading if you want to see a secret picture of Rylde in a pink scarf and with his daughter! Be warned, this article had to be censored because of the "mild" swearing.

Why don't you believe I'm rolo?

"cause u like to fudge around"

How do you feel about EPIC?

"Useless bunch of neutral switzerland do nothing mothers in game. They would take days to decide coke or pepsi in some stupid election."

Would you rather join CPP, MOO, or EPIC if you had to leave MDP?

"Needs a plan D which would involve large amounts of alcohol, fat woman and suffocation."

Sounds a lot like DAL?

"Sounds alot like MOO actually"

If you got the chance to kill 2 people in ecanada in real life, who would they be and how would you do it?

"10 names in a hat Rolo, MG, Tem, Kronos, Addy, Alastar, Bruck, Pimpdollaz, Irontoader, and Termz." - "Draw 2 and one gets skinned and dipped in tub of salt and the other be put with Maximum security prisoners."

You seem to be greatly respected in eCanada, what would you say is the best key to being a successful Canadian citizen?

"Greatly respected lmao that would depend on who you talk to or ask. I can get shoot done when I put my mind to it and I'm extremely organized. Some that have seen what I'm capable chil out and come for the ride. I think most of them think I'm bat shoot crazy though"

What are your current goals in erepublik?

"Destruction of my enemies and the Lamentation of the woman"

What's currently your biggest problem with eCanada and/or eRepublik?

"Lack of war. Small or not we should be attacking someone elses soil in a non-TW. Until that happens were a cess pool of boredom and politics an other nations wars."

We all know how much you hate others and want to destroy but an answer that eludes many Canadians is, who does Rylde like? So tell me, who do you like in this game, who do you respect and who would you say you look up to?

"Bruck used to be my mentor and I respected him from my BC-CC days all pre TCO crap. But he let me down when I finally figured out he was a do nothing figurehead. His skill was at find others skilled for jobs. Basically delegating."

"As for respect these days I'm still waiting for someone to earn it. Will most likely be the first CP who puts Canada on the map in War. Land swap to Norway or South America. Have some bloody fun already. Takeover of Ireland perhaps."

If this were the last question on an interview that was going to be released in an eRepublik article, what would you want your last answer to be?

"funny thought If I ever become CP and lead us to war which would be the backbone of any Rylde CP run. I could very well win my own respect lmao. See Ima little fudged in the head."

What do you find pleasures you the most in life?

"Spending time with my daughter first and foremost then when she's gone I give myself to the darkside and enjoy some real Drinkin, Gamblin, having intimiate pleasure and Gamin."

A real boss

This interview brought to you by the Canadian Paradox Party, Onwards Paradoxia!