[Ω] Changes

Day 3,951, 09:19 Published in Russia Croatia by Khutawyra101

Hello eWorld

At first you’ll probably just wonder who the heck is this guy so it would be appropriate to introduce myself (again). Couple of days ago I changed my nickname (again) into Reset. Truth is I was just trying to see if the name is availiable, but apparently it was. So, Papi is Reset. Now. It actually suits me, I reset things all of the time. My nickname, MU, my plans, everything really.

I’ve been inactive for the past 6 months since I moved back home to Croatia in real life, got an appartament, got a job and moved in with Sandra, my friends will know her. Anyway, I’ve been catching on things in the few couple of days, so don’t mind if some things in this article might be a mistake. There’s loads of changes in this game since I came back and most of them are really dealbreaker’s. Obviously Plato is on his way to change the game more drastically than we expected. Which is good, at least in my opinion. All of the changes are very much depending on each other, so let’s take a look into them.

Changes: Part 1 - Determination

“As eRepublik has entered its second decade of life we are working on a number of projects that, with your help, will disrupt the current status quo and increase the excitement and fun. “

This is the first time I actually believe Plato, the only reason for it is that his changes are actually following his words. Key part of this change is the fact countries are now more independent and have much easier job to return their own original regions, or in case of Uruguay - region.

"Once the liberation occurs, the natives will hold grudge against the former occupant for a while. This will allow the newly freed region to have a standing chance against the former occupant for a period of time. The determination in Resistance Wars will no longer reset when the region is re-conquered via MPP battle"

What this means in reality is that countries won’t be able to keep enemy or colony countries wiped simply by starting war every here and then to restart the determination in them. It’s something most of the big countries used as a big advantage so far. With this change we can expect smaller countries to become much more “cocky” and actually fight instead signing NAP’s and TW’s just because big country asked for it. It also means that it will require much bigger firepower than now to keep countries wiped. In my opinion, Plato wants to create an interesting world in which only the strongest countries are able to be successful. Not many of countries have the strength to keep others wiped with the current determination change. The other changes Plato has introduced just made things more clear about the way this new Erepublik is gonna go.

Changes: Part 2 - Resource Concession

I believe this change is another important thing which comes together with region determination bonus. It gives weaker country’s change to put their resources into use by renting them to the bigger ones. It also puts them into vassal position, but at least it’s by their own will. Countries are now able to decide for themselves since they can both - defend themeselves, or if that’s their wish rent their regions. It’s pretty good change which might actually return diplomacy in this game.

By saying diplomacy I’m not talking about the recent “diplomacy” which basicly was sucking into someone else’s you know what. We actually have diplomacy added to this game again. Countries are now individuals and are able to have their sovereign again. I’m glad because of it.

So, if some X country wants to have strong bonuses they’ll need to talk other country into renting those bonuses. What they offer back? Well except the part of their GDP I’d say they will offer those countries full military and diplomatic protection. For example, if Croatia takes regions from Venezuela they will defend Venezuelan regions in future for sure. It makes Venezuela rich and safe, while still being able to decide for themselves. Good change by Plato.

The bonuses countries earned in the last resource wars are now far more valuable. I didn’t really check who rented what to who yet, but my bet is that things will change over some time, maybe not as soon as the change is added though.

Changes: Part 3 - Relocation of holdings

Finally, as part of the main changes Plato has introduced we can now change the location of our holdings. He probably expected things to change much faster and gave us only 30 days to decide on our new holding positions.

However, in my opinion it will take much longer to actually see the changes and consequences of the recent changes. With only 30 days limit to change the location we, as producers, can only bet on how countries will act from now on. All in all, I’m glad Plato didn’t forget about those who already located their holdings somewhere. Since the change will have an effect on everyone playing this game I’m looking forward to what’s gonna happen.

Many has moved their holdings and the main example can be Croatia. Before the determination bonus change we couldn’t really keep our regions as easily as we can do that now. It meant our bonus regions has been a constantly changing its owner depending on what’s going on in the given moment. However, now we can be sure that no one will be able to mess with our bonuses that easily. It was the reason most of Croatian holdings has moved back home - to two dalmatian regions. The result of it was 25% pollution on most of factories/raws.

We can observe changing holding’s location as the final act of the changes as those movements actually are result of other changes. Croatia has loads of profit from it, while for example USA will lose the most. Countries which had smart and honourable politics, such as Russia for example, will profit from this change too.

Private company owners will think twice before making decisions now and we don’t really know what Plato will do next, so every decision made by the country’s Governments will have a long term effect from now on. Yes Italy, a long term effect.

Geopolitics and stuff

I’ve been waiting for most of my eLife to see Croatia strong again and once it finally came true I wasn’t really here for most of the time. When I left we were still the country which made loads of good steps to become strong, but I didn’t really expect us to be able to do what we’re doing now.

Except our internal organization (in other words: zdlemmy) and actually the fact we’re planning things as well as making those plans reality there wasn’t such a strong push by all of the nation. Things changed, game has changed. Wild Owl’s way of diplomacy doesn’t have any effects anymore. Diplomacy has changes as now it’s respecting all the countries, not just those you need to suck in to. Diplomacy is military now, while military is diplomacy. In the same time, economy became diplomacy as well.

All in all, I think all those changes, all those new things are just gonna help us return the old players, make things interesting again and make Erepublik a better game. If only these changes happened few years ago, we’d have few thousands more players. Today, game is balanced, countries can work on themselves. Just take a look at Croatia now and Croatia year ago. Or even Greece now and Greece months ago. Turkey is waking up too. It just looks like things are moving back to EDEN/TWO times when everything was interesting.

I’m very glad to be back now, not only because of those changes, but also because of my family in this game and chance to actually contribute somehow by trying hard. It’s possible in this game again. After 10 years of Erep, we’re having a new birth. Let’s hope Plato keeps working in this direction and actually think about how to make game better.

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