[AMP] End of the Road - Finale PP Address

Day 1,727, 16:01 Published in USA USA by John Killah

The Music that you should DEFINITELY listen to while reading this article!


The end is upon us … for the term

And so here it is … the final Party Presidential Address that will come from me behind this desk that not many people have really ever seen … Ok, well nobody’s really seen since it’s mainly in my mind xD.

First, i’d just like say, I know this term hasn’t lived up to people's expectations. In fact, i’ve been hearing from a couple of people that they feel it’s as bad as Israel’s 3rd term. I think if they’d have said that in a prior time, i’d of gone ballistic at them, told them they have no idea what they’re talking about etc. But I didn’t, in fact, I did agree with them. This term has been a disappointment.

There’s something that everybody knows, but not many people have experienced. They say power corrupts, and I know that if I asked anyone about what they think of that, they’d agree. But we all naively believe that we can be the exception. I myself thought that maybe, I wouldn’t get corrupted. But I did. People understand the concept but they never really understand how easy it is to fall to said concept.

My judgement became clouded by the positions I was in. I think nobody will have any trouble saying I made some interesting and questionable decisions. I will still apologise for the way I went about a couple of them, but I will stand by my actions. It wasn’t till after CP Elections I looked back and saw the clouds lifted and I realised how far i’d deviated from who I was. Now, i’m not sure if anyone noticed, but I know one person you can ask who would agree that I understood what had happened and that I went about trying to salvage what was left of the term.

Now, I know you will not have agreed with my choices. Hell, I know quite a lot of you have been very vocal in disagreeing with me and my choices. I disappointed a lot of you, I’m sorry for that. But if there’s one thing I can say, it’s this - The outcome of this term, is something I hope will happen. You, the party spoke, and you disagreed with what was going on. For the first time in a while, I saw some of you stand up and say “That’s not right”.

I ask those of you that did … take it one step further. To be vocal is a good start, but understand that words alone cannot change things. Go beyond that … Start to get involved INSIDE the party. Never once have I seen someone turned away from a deputy position for trivial reasons. Work to have a say in the direction of the party beyond being a member. Not going to lie, sometimes, it’s a crapshoot. But if you can try and help the party, isn’t that what counts?

So my hope is that if there is any good to come out of this term, it’s that the party becomes a bit more united in its attempts to steer the party in the right direction and that new people who felt wrong by the term to make attempts to steer the newfound united party the right way.

Never sit back and expect others to do what you wish … Grab that bull by the horns, and wrestle it into submission! Work your ass off and be rewarded!

Be true AMPers … Because AMPer’s don’t quit. We’re resiliant sons of b****es and we won’t rest until we’re where we belong at the top of the political party pile. Don’t do this for me, or for the past … do it for the future … for the party. For yourself.

AMP’s bringing more than amps now, they’re bringing the ATO!

The title here speaks for itself doesn’t it. I don’t know about anyone else, but i’m lusting for a bit of blood …


Now, lets review the facts -

* They gained many congress seats last election at the expense of some decent candidates.
* They then used those seats to bring in additional “undesirables” into the country
* These undesirables have only one goal in mind - The destruction of the US
* A US Citizen who ran under RLC can atest that he was asked by their elections people that should he win, he would have to agree to use his Citizenship Passes however their people wanted them used … NOT HOW IES WANTED THEM USED
* And the coup de grâce - http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/USA/113398

For those of you who didn’t click the link, it’s a donation law. Pretty simple right? Well, it would be … IF IT WAS GOING TO GO TO THE CBO. This law didn’t ask for that … It asked for 400,000 USD to be donated to … Narodna Banka Srbije. Doesn’t take a genuis to translate that as NATIONAL BANK OF SERBIA (Oh, I double checked by the way, that is DEFINITELY the translation.)

So an RLC congressman wanted OUR country to donate 400k to HIS country? Does that sound right and fair to you? No, doesn’t me either.

So I said enough is enough. At the first opportunity, I agreed to help a national ATO against the RLC. I’ve had enough of the wrong congressmen getting in … I’ve had enough of rogue proposals meant to hurt us … I’ve had enough of Pizza and his serbian slaves trying to do what they want.

This month, I’m asking all decent US Citizens who want to stand up with me, to say that this HAS TO STOP. This is not about elites trying to keep the opposition down, this isn’t about trying to stop competitors in time for congress elections.


This is about TRYING to stop OUR COUNTRY becoming a slave to an ENEMY NATION.

If you don’t want to participate, fine. I’m sure you have your reasons. But I hope you can live with the knowledge that if this month fails, you can expect to see MORE of the above … but alot WORSE. Sure you can argue that this is the “elitists fault” and “they had this coming”. But what about when people ask, ”Where were you?” … Where were you when you had the opportunity to HELP your nation. To help correct these wrongs you see the elites doing? Will you really stand by and let the country burn? Because I can safely say if you do, you won’t be looked at afterwards as heroes … you will be seen as indecisive and hesitant.

I will do what I have to do for my country. I will not do this for fame. I will not do this for other people.

My question is - Will you?


I know I usually do these … but this is it … the big one.

This is Eric’s LAST Games Night as Retention Director. He’s been amazing, hell, he used to get frustrated when we had low numbers turning up and when he couldn’t get some of the game scripts going. Why? Because he wanted you all to have fun.

And he plans to go out with one of the biggest bangs in AMP Fun History! I think this may even eclipse my last Games Night xD

He’s gone all out … Nearly 30 gold (To be distributed as 10 gold and the rest in USD Equivalent ofc), 500 Different units of food … and 60 brand-spanking-new Q7 tanks!

So come on over to #amp.games tomorrow night at 16:00 eRep … and play for prizes!

And that … is the end of my term ...

John Killah - American Military Party, Party President (For the last time … for now maybe)

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