[真實] 我所尊敬的人 A person I respect [中文/EN]

Day 2,556, 02:55 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by YomiYuri

[真實] 我所尊敬的人 A person I respect [中文/EN]


  Brother Pierre Charbonneau石伯男修士,我們稱呼他為「Br. Stone」石修士。原籍加拿大、1962年來到並不是很繁榮的台灣,開始了於我母校──台中市天主教衛道高級中學服務。
  然則我們知道這47年間的回憶,絕對是眾多師生與石修士之間最為珍貴的寶物。如同,衛道師生數人數年前前往加拿大探望仍然念念不忘台中、台灣的修士時,他與我們的道別語句:「下回,天堂見!(See you next time, in heaven.)」我們相信石修士已經到達天堂,陪伴在主的身旁……也請大家為他祈禱吧!



[English Version]

I knew a person, he served in my Junior-Senior High school for 47 years.
Brother Pierre Charbonneau, we call him Br. Stone. He came from Canada in 1962 and was our teacher, in Viator High School(Taiwan).
In 1978, he had a trip to Haiti and knew they need help, so he started to sell recycling and charity stamps to help Haiti to building school. About million dollars. And he also donated blood over 150 times......
He is a respectful teacher, kind man, and like our family.
There's only 7 minutes break time in our Junior/Senior High School, and there's a long way to arrive the small room that Br. Stone stayed. But students like to talk with him, like stamps he sold, and never give up to be with him. Because we love him, just like we love our family.
In 2009, he retired from our school and back to his motherland, everything there is changed, and he was like a stranger there. He miss us, miss Taiwan so much, so some of us went to Canada in order to have a short time date with him.
2014/11/16 01:50 morning in Montreal, Canada, he was recalled by God.
The 47 years memories are our treasure, we'll never forget it. As he said to us, "See you next time, in heaven." We trust he is there now.
Pray for him.
Rest in peace, Br. Stone.
Anima eius et animae omnium fidelium defunctorum per Dei misericordiam requiescant in pace.
Descanse en paz.
Riposi in pace.
Repose en paix.
Ruhe in Frieden.
Покойся с миром.


  在底下V+留言祝福的人,每人派250體(25 Q5包),不限國籍。

Earn 25 Q5 Food for each person, no limit but only vote and bless for Br. Stone.

Time: until this article off.

徵求一名派包工(限華人),薪水為500 Q5包和50 Q7坦,請留言報名、先留先得。



石修士紀念專輯 8mins 影片: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQUeprzJEcU

See you next time, in heaven. 15s FB video.
