高登郵箱:近來生活太忙, 但對軍事撥款還是不吐不快

Day 743, 00:43 Published in China China by HKGov


首先我太明白 23760 是如何計算的
6*66*15*2 = 11880, 11880*2 =23760, 最終還要乘2, 請加以說明。

另外,建立自己的軍隊的目的是?長遠來說,目標是為了成為忠於EC的一股力量,希望能 成為能左右戰局的其中一個力量?短期內,中國仍然要依賴外國力量,這是事實,但長期要 發展EC軍事力量,我相信tank只是其中一個小部份。

這有幾個問題,我現在只看到一小部份,而不知道整個軍訓的計劃。如果是次撥款是能配合 整體發展,那請政府多解清楚。因為光看這一小部份的效益,很難讓人信服。

二來軍事行動要成功,也要端看國民的動員能力,國民對於軍事活動的紀律,國家的指示等 。以上的行動長遠是要配合教育,和建立一個有效的組織,加上有效的上情下達方法才能動 員。那些才是真正長遠要建立的,一但成功建立,這才能帶來長久的利益。這個只是我個人 想法:看來軍部深深相信tank是戰爭上的最大關鍵,這是一個盲點。

這是Zhuge Liang的說法:http://echina.forums-free.com/topic-t714.html。但仍未能見到任何回應

I have already vote because I think the budget is really necessary, but also want to note that tanks are not always essential for a battle.

I with my 22.88 of strength and being field marshal, have done today 417 damage points with Q5 and being with 100% wellness. This means:

5 combats (using Hospital) = 1847
40 combats x 417 = 16680
Total = 18527 damage points to the wall
But for this I need to spent 80 gold + 45 weapons Q5... around 125 Gold for 18.527 points. That means around 148.216 damage points for each gold.

A newie with 7 days in the game and a strength of 2.8, being private rank and with around wellness 50%, can do 4 damage points. With 1000 of these newies fighting 5 times each day thanks to the hospital, they can do:

1000 x 4 x 5 = 20.000 damage points without spending gold.

I know the ministry of defense must know these numbers, but want to add a little info. Tanks were created a year ago to do heavy damage in a short period of time. Those strategies have been modified along the time, specially with the devaluation of gold because of bugs (a year ago an expense of 1000 Gold in a battle could ruin a big country like Romania, but not right now). In those times there was a reason for tanking, because of the need of change battle results in a short time.

Now the situation is a little different, and the use of tanks less critical. Yeah, you can use them to lure your enemy, but you need a high quantity of gold for that. I think with a organized way to give weapons (Q1) and gifts (to allow another fight for the people), could be a better investment than tanks 🙂

Every time of unit has their function and time (it was funny to be a snipper in the old times, lol). Tanks are only another resource, but regular forces and citizens should be always the first line of defense 😉


最後,高登黨的信念是:反對從來只是希望為大家帶來其他角度,希望不同的角度刺激到大 家想到更深層次的問題,會否有更好選擇,這方法根本上已不妥,或改善現行的做法。

而當有人對我們未有充份的理解,並標纖反對者的行為只是為反對而反對。我們只能深表遺 憾。

但我想指出,對於反對聲音的消音活動,只能使每次討論作有限的分析,最多只能在原有的 柜架下作改良的建議,但該柜架是否能對症下藥,這就沒有思考的餘地。情況便像柏拉圖的 理想國中,山洞比喻一樣。



一次又一次的撥款動議,我們便只能無奈地每一次都讓議案先通過,而無了期地等待一個將 會出現的完滿答案嗎?
