Day 1,732, 04:05 Published in Croatia Croatia by NoviTigar91


Viata politica tumultoasa ne obliga sa luam atitudine. Stiam deja, si istoria a demonstrat, ca poporul nostru este unul tradator, tradarea, pe langa minciuna, fiind o caracteristica importanta in componenta ADN-ului nostru. Probabil unii dintre voi o sa ma combata cu date si fapte ca am fost candva mari viteji si nu am avut chilotii murdari. De prea putine ori am fost fair-play pentru cei care ne-au ajutat atunci cand noua ne-a fost greu sa ne ajutam si incercam sa ne vindem damage-ul in Asia.

Iata-ne din nou, dupa cateva luni, in aceasi postura kamasutrica, actionand numai pentru bunastarea unor grupuri de interese, cum semnam, fara a avea o dezbatere publica, un tratat cu cei mai mari dusmani de erep: eSerbia si eUngaria.

Chiar daca votul a trecut de SMR si este deja aplicat tratatul (vezi regiunile care se elibereaza fara prea mare efort), cred ca sta in puterea noastra sa schimbam ceva. Chiar daca altii au decis in numele nostru, al celor multi, cei care zi de zi ne minunam de ceea ce se intampla si nu existam pentru ei decat in commenturile articolelor sau pe campul de lupta pe post de carne de tun, am gasit modalitatea de a salva, intr-o ultima clipa, onoarea noastra de militari, de romani si de oameni.

Avem o alianta, poate chiar o legatura de sange cu eCroatia, si astazi suntem pusi in postura de a lupta contra aliatilor nostri, numai ca votul din SMR se intoarce impotriva acestor grupuri de interes prin simpla noastra mutare in eCroatia si lupta noastra pentru eliberarea regiunilor.

(A se citi si articolul acesta.)

Brigada 1918 si UM Acvila nu vor intoarce niciodata spatele eRomaniei, dar nici nu vor lua parte la actiuni de tradare. Incepand de astazi, mebrii Acvila se vor muta in eSerbia si vor ajuta prin damage-ul lor la recuperarea regiunilor croate, salvand onoarea eRomanilor in fata aliatilor traditionali.

CROMANIA forever!

Acvila lupta astazi aici:


eRO`s tumultuous political life compel us to take a stand. We already know, and the history has shown it, that our people is a traitorous one, betrayal, along with lying, being an important detail in our DNA component. Perhaps some of you might argue by providing data and facts that we were once great warriors and we didn`t wear dirty underwears. But the reality is that we were too seldom fair-play with those who helped us when it was hard for us to help ourselves and when we were trying to sell out damage to Asia.

Here we are again, after several months, in the same kamasutra position, acting only for the welfare of some groups of interest, how we sign, without any public debate, a treaty with our greatest enemies in erep: eSerbia and eUngaria.

Even if the vote passed by SMR and the treaty is already in place (see the regions freed without too much effort), I think it is in our power to change something. Even if others decided on our behalf, we the many, those who wonder each day about what`s happening and who do not exist for them unless if we appear in articles` comments or on the battlefield as cannon fodder, we found a way to save, in the last minute, our honor as military people, as eRomanians and as men.

We have an Alliance, even a blood connection with eCroatia, and today we are put in the position to fight against our allies, but the SMR vote turns against these groups of interest, by simply moving in eCroatia and by our fight for freeing their regions .

(See also this article.)

The Party Brigada 1918 and the MU Acvila will never turn their back to eRomania, but we will not take part to any action of betrayal.

Starting today, all Acvila members will move to eSerbia and will help, by all damage available, to recover the Croatian regions, saving the honor of eRomanians in front of our traditional allies.

CROMANIA forever!

Acvila fights here today: