A Holy Sand Homecoming: An Interview with Dio Brando

Day 1,129, 19:01 Published in USA United Kingdom by HobbitTon

Would you like to hear some holy muzak recommended by Dio himself?
~Throughout the New World there are ongoing hard times. Corruption, military conquests, and political infestation just to name a few. I think right now, just a few days before the holidays arrive, would be a great time to sit down and reflect from a higher being. I had the once in an eLife time opportunity to interview the man who changed the New World forever through the founding of Dioism, Dio Brando.~

Useful Links for Citizens Interested in Dioism
"[Dio] A call to Dioists all over the world"
Dioism eRepublik Wiki Entry

By the way, Dio Brando answered some user submitted questions at the bottom! Scroll down there and read some of Dio's wise words!

Thank you for sitting down with this humble hobbit for an interview even with a hectic scheduale. I know you get many requests for interviews all the time, and I am very grateful you chose Tales from the Shire.

I am glad to be here, small one

You were born many years ago in this chaotic universe we call the New World. How did you feel when you first joined? How did you think the world felt about you?

Well, the wigs hated me, of course. I never played by the rules. They wanted to create a capitalist world and we dioists created a theocratic nation with a closed, planned economy where all gold were sent directly to me and all the companies were owned by the state.

I actually began in Sweden, where I saw the sad state of affairs. This was Day 9, and everyone and their mom started their own companies. It just didn't work. I was disgusted, to be honest. That's why I chose to create /v/akistan, a land without ethnicity, where the common denominator was ideology rather than blood.

At a very young age, you saw the terrors of the modern world as it was diverging away to moral wants such as money. What effect do you think money has on people, weak and strong minded?

Well, we all know what I think about the wigs, so let's just discuss money in the eWorld. It is true that money gives you power, especially here. If you buy a lot of gold, you will easily win a war even if the players you fight against are better warriors. It's really sad when you think about it.

I think that's one of the most important parts in Dioism; we believe in unity and brotherhood rather than funds. We didn't even use 1% of the gold we had back in the days. That was a different time though, now it's all about who's willing to give the most cash to the wigs...

Now, after the painful struggles of war are over for the day, soldiers come back from the battlefield devouring food in order to heal wounds. You on the other hand have used the healing powers of sand. How does sand mean to you?

Sand means a lot. Back in the old days, Pakistan was empty and didn't have anything else than sand. I think the whole concept is that you can make something out of nothing, just like we created an empire out of sand. I think that is the main reason that people visits erepublik, to create something. It gives us hope and a reason to keep going.

Pakistan was a creation of the cooperation of people putting aside differences in order to accomplish a common goal. How did it feel to you when the deed was done? Were you satisfied?

The goal was to unite the world under one banner, something we did not accomplish. Back in BETA (and V1, in some degree) it was almost impossible to conquer the whole world. That was what PEACE (the term, not the alliance) was all about: uniting everyone by force. Unfortunately, the world wasn't ready to be united.

The war module at that time required the attacker to have an army at least three times as big as the defender, and the whole world saw us as their enemy when we were, in fact, their saviors. We were closed in by the pigdisgusting Swedes and the Iranian leader called Koroush, who had hundreds if not thousands of multis.

I have to give credit to the ones who supported us though: Indonesia were always our close allies and Dioism had a great following in nations such as Mexico, Brazil, Italy and such. I am sure that I forget a lot of our allies. There was also a decent cult in USA, and Grev Per, former president of Denmark, made tributes to me a few times.

You have been in a dormant slumber until recently. Without your guidance, do you think Pakistan diverged from the path that they should have taken? What emotions rushed through your veins?

Pakistan did some mistakes, yes. I heard that BGBW, an old follower of mine, was involved in foul play involving Serbia and China. That is not the Dioist way at all; we like to plot and scheme, but we never use dirty tricks or backstab.

I was also informed that a Pakistani official insulted the current President of China, but I believe that he was in a state of rage at the time. Dioists have always been known to speak there mind, so I do not blame him. As a gesture, I take full responsibility of this. If my people needs me, then I will do my best to fix their problems. Pakistan created many enemies for themselves when I was gone, but I do not feel any anger.

Many countries neglect newer citizens because they may already have some political elite. And as a result, these newer citizens are not exposed to Dioism early. How do you feel about this situation and newer citizens in general?

The important thing to remember is that everyone can become a Dioist. That is the difference between Dioism and Theocracy (an old Italian offshoot of Dioism who valued strength and age). The newer citizens have always been important to me, and I feel sad to hear that they are neglected.

I do not know how common it is to use the wiki nowadays, but followers of Dio should always try to relay the message. I mean they only have to link this: http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/Dioism

It is quite evident that the New World is in pain. But instead of looking for answers in Dioism, they seek refugee within the greediness of their egos. Why do you think many people do not take Dioism into their heart?

There's a great deal of people who hasn't heard of Dioism. For instance, Misteriosa, the Pakistani Minister of Defense, didn't hear about it until after a whole year of playing. When she did find out, she converted and moved to Pakistan immediately.

Some might make a strawman out of Dioism and focus only at the spammers, without reading the holy scriptures or my articles. Trolling is a sacred art in Dioism, so I can understand why some will shun it.

Many people have different interpretations of Dioism. What does Dioism mean to you? How is it a solution to all of our problems? How can people get involved in this movement?

Dioism is the idea that we all can do something great if we only unite. Wars shouldn't be fought for wealth or territory, they should be fought because it is fun. There are a lot of companies out there where people work in communes, where all money stay inside the own company and the workers only get enough to feed themselves. Serbs are great at doing this, because they like to fight, not to gain wealth.

The solution today is different than the solution back in the days of beta. We need to stand together and stop fighting each other. The wigs are our real enemies, and we should fight against them and their capitalist ways.

The plan to conquer the world is now a thing of the past. Today, Dioism is about uniting as many as possible worldwide, and fight for a good cause. A cause to make the world a better place, where people can actually play the game without fear of being used, wheter by admins or by the rich and powerful.

It's easy, really. Just try to care more about your fellow players and start spreading the Dioist word. That is all it takes.

And that should conclude this interview. I again thank you for doing this interview as I am sure readers all over the New World will enjoy it. Hopefully I didn't bore you.

It was a long time since my last interview. Thank you for the insightful questions and enjoy the first exclusive interview that I've done for at least a year or so.

"When will you save us all?" ~ Emerick

Emerick, if you dress up in girly clothes and post the pictures online, I promise to save you all immediately.

"If you had to/could be one other person in eRepublik's history, who would it be?" ~ St Krems

Either George Lemnaru or Grev Per. George because he was a real bro back in the beginning, and Grev Per because he's so handsome.

And if you liked what you read, please vote, subscribe, comment, and shout! Thank you!

May Dio's grace be with you forever,

~Your neighborhood friendly hobbit.~