Your Peony Express+Overly Attached Girlfriend!

Day 1,694, 20:59 Published in USA USA by Jon Malcom

Hey you,
You look so cute, so sweet, and so soft. No I wasn't talking with Bia Pandora I mean Rick Von Ruger.

The first article you need to read comes to you today with a little too much nostalgia. Read about how we did it in the old days. Basically it was more challenging, there were few freebies, and you cherished your first company. You bought it after saving your money, we never had it given to us.

Speaking of nostalgia this was the original war module for Erepublik.

Back then the only time they had the servers go down was when the other play flipped the board.
Ahh I remember those dad always kicking my seven year old ass at chess. One day he called checkmate and by his rules if you could get out of check you won. I got out of check and I never played him again. Another walk down memory lane with me.

Next week: Dad and me enjoying the space with Grandpa in the back.

Also in a almost unprecedented precedent (wtf did I just type?) Rizon also linked this article about the Greeks meeting up in RL! Anytime you Americans want to meet up we can do that! As long as it's in Texas. Oooh maybe the Cowboys Stadium?

In a sad turn of events Gnilraps has left the Federal party. Of course for some this may be a happy turn of events but just when I had you to the brink like a cheap hooker I bring you down again with an even sadder turn of events. Molly Jo Caine was actually shot in RL!!
She was shot leaving her apartment, the bullet went in and scraped part of her heart before going out her back. The good news she is doing better.
Why would someone do that? I don't know, people are just wicked.

Finally Dumb Emma has published a humorous article on the failure of the powers that be to protect people in their own game. Please read this here.

Overly Attached Girlfriend!

To see Laina aka Overly Attached Girlfriend in action and she is funny to me click here!