You will be revived at 50.

Day 1,123, 19:38 Published in Sweden Sweden by Algaroth

That's what it said. I'm at 23. That is just not cool. Are my awards weighing me down? Do they have some alghoritm keeping the algaface down? @^£# that. I just figured I'd let you all know I'm back.Not sure if I'll stay in Sweden this time around though. I might move down to Denmark and hang out with Grev Per, the only person who's actually kept up contact with me after I left Erepublik.

When last I was here, some dick hack abdicated and left the presidency to Radsoc. I was all like;

After that I just didn't have it in me anymore. When I joined FBS it had the most powerful leaders in Erepublik. Sweden was all powerfull yet benevolent. When I was last party leader everyone in FBS looked to me to revive the party. The problem is, the man who started FBS was long gone before they even joined the party. The man called Carradine was a mere legend to these people. Ziggyzag was the man in charge when I started playing. Imagine how I felt when he asked me to make a power ranger avatar for him. It was awesome. Just awesome. Or awesome with the F-word in front.

FBS when I was there last was full of people looking for a leader. Back in the day, it was full of ambitious cutthroats looking to be the next leader. That's what made Sweden strong in the past. We had ideas. Better ideas then the old ones, better propaganda, better orders, articles, ideas. Still, we shared the ideas and bided our time for we knew that the toll of being president was high on anyone doing it (I believe Flammbar was the only one who was president 5 months in a row in the history of Sweden. That is god damn inhuman.) but I know there was always someone hungry, biding their time with a plan on what to do when they regained power.

When I left erepublik I didn't feel that. FBS was dead. Aside from myself there was no one left from the days when I started my åolitical career and I realized I was going to have to lead the pack. The pack felt like a bunch of headless chickens. FRONT had taken everything that was good about FBS. And why not? FRONT was the same thing, just more efficient. But then Icehacker disappeared and the question whether FRONT could stand without him was answered. The answer was another question: "Who gives a shit?".

What do you do when everything you believe in dies?

I'm going somewhere else, and I will travel until I find something to believe in.