WORLD AT WAR: Germany Collapses; Latvia New Ground Zero

Day 567, 07:12 Published in USA USA by Nick Everdale
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Hopes that the fall of ATLANTIS and the European dominance of PEACE would calm Europe's desire for war have proven too optimistic. In a series of brash moves, eSweden defied an agreement with the eU.S. to draw down its war in Germany by invading and conquering the remnants of the shattered German state. In coordinated moves, Poland and Finland expanded their offensives in Eastern Europe.

The recent collapse of Sweden's agreement with the United States reduces one of President Scrabman's major second-term achievements to tatters. After narrowly winning re-election on June 5th, the unprecedented third Scrabman Administration finds itself once again dealing with a European quagmire. Keen to avoid stoking the political fires surrounding Sweden and Germany, Scrabman has remained mostly silent on the issue.

With the President of Germany formally impeached yesterday, the focus of war has shifted to Eastern Europe, where Latvia is now ground zero in a growing international conflict. China and the United Kingdom recently signed agreements supporting Latvia; Slovenia, Finland, and several other nations joined forces against the tiny nation.

Moments ago word arrived on eAmerican shores that Finland, once a minor eRepublik nation, had successfully conquered the eLatvian region of Latgale. Despite an attempt to rally American support for Latvia, Senator Tyler Jenkins proved unsuccessful in averting the tide of battle.

As chaos spreads across Europe, many Americans are left asking who is allied with whom. It remains a valid question, as a series of intertwined MPP agreements mean any European invasion will almost certainly draw the entire continent into bloodshed.