Why Can't We Be Friends

Day 1,091, 12:58 Published in Canada Canada by Armour144
I realize I may get some trolls here slapping around some more hate and insults, I just hope those commenters are mature enough not to do it, and realize this needs to stop.

How about we stop this madness?

Why is it that every few days that I log on something that the TCO paper has posted is insulting the CAF? Why is it that every few days I find another reason to reduce my respect for TCO? Maybe it’s the comments in the recruitment articles (CAFags, Cafails), maybe it’s the general negativity towards the CAF. Or, you know, maybe it’s the “lulz” that just go a little bit too far.

And by a little bit too far, I am of course referring to TCO “infiltrating” the CAF forums, sending out some mass pm’s to all CAF members, and just overall being as mature as a seven year old.

Maybe if there was no war going on, I would get it.
Maybe if there was nothing of interest in the eWorld, I would get it.
Maybe if our allies weren’t under attack, I would get it.
Maybe if we weren’t invading the UK, I would get it.
I just don’t get it.

Why do we need to attack ourselves? Why does TCO feel the need to openly insult and accuse the CAF in public? We both fight for the same cause, the same country, the same allies. So why is it necessary for there to be such a vast gap in respect for members of the opposite military force? Why do you feel the need to get into our forums to spam us with messages about joining TCO?

I don’t know about the rest of the CAF, but even the brief thought of doing that to TCO has never even come close to crossing my mind. Why? Well, maybe because we’re all allies. We’re all eCanadians. There’s no need to do that.

And how does this make us look to our allies? Australia is fighting to regain its regions, Spain still doesn’t have all of its land back, Croatia and Romania are charging their way through Hungary. Sweden, Poland, and Italy are throwing Germany around, and us, well we’re hacking our own forums. Great commitment by eCanada right? Sure, we’re still fighting our own war, but to the international community it looks like we all hate each other.

So before you guys decide to go do something else “for the lulz,” take a moment, think, then only proceed if it insults an enemy of ours.

P.S. I personally don’t think this will help your cause in getting more funding. But hey, maybe that’s just me.
