Why Are We Here? [MoC]

Day 3,209, 19:18 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by Hexshade

Well, greetings and salutations to all of you behind the screens. Its a great day, isn't it? The sun is shining. The birds are singing. It's days like these that make you greet the day and think, "Man, everything in my life is terrible". No? Just Me? Well, that's awkward. Well, anyways, I know for a fact that, on occasion, I have days that are, by all measurable standards, [restricted by editor]-ing terrible. (Can I swear? Who knows? My editor is gonna be furious, piece of [Are you trying to make me angry?] that he is.) I was actually ruminating on this one day, because when I am content, my only pastime is reminiscing on whenever I was discontent. While I sat there, deep in thought, I realized that my inability to come to terms with my own existence was one of the things that drove me to find this game, and it was one of the things that drove me to create this newspaper. That got me thinking (because as a new politician citizen it is important to get to know my constituents fellow countrymen better), maybe I should ask everybody else how they found this game . So I wanna know, how did you come to be a peruser of the Electronic Republic? What drove you to it? What are the deeper philosophical issues you are attempting to work through by playing this game? (Just me, again? I thought for sure it couldn't be just me.) Leave your answers in the comments. Who knows? Maybe if my editor berates me enough, he'll let me feature the most thought provoking answer in the next edition (Assuming he lets me out of my cage first).