Where Eagles Dare - Declaring Intentions & Government Positions

Day 2,201, 12:04 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by ChewChewShoe
Obligatory theme music.

Dear Britain,

Wherever we turn in this world, we constantly encounter words of wisdom regarding our personality. We hear of character traits so important to the continuity of humanity, but so rarely seen within people.
We hear of the nobleness that lies within modesty, humility and restraint.
We hear of the greatness that lies within generosity, temperance and tolerance.
We hear of the strength that lies within diligence, patience and justness.

Despite the importance of all the mentioned character traits, there is one trait that I value above all else. There is one trait that, with a lack of it, all others would be irrelevant; One trait that separates the lions from the sheep.
I am speaking of the trait that makes men and women stand up for what is just, even when they are in the minority. I am speaking of the trait that makes people share with those less fortunate, even when it destabilises their own lives. I am speaking of the trait that allows diligence to contest slothness, even if it means going toe to toe with a superior foe. I am speaking of the trait that has moved the wheel of history for centuries;
I am speaking of courage.

In these times of change, our country needs courage more than ever before.
Although I may have assembled the courage required to step up and pursue the office of prime minister, without a brave nation behind me, my courage will prove futile.
That is why I ask of you, Britons, to find the courage that I know lies within your hearts, and be the change that our country needs.
I ask of you to rise up, and participate in the progression of this country; I ask of you to apply for a position in my government, not for yourself, but for your country.

In order to maximize the efficiency of the day to day running of the country, I will need a strong set of people to assist me in my government. Below you will find a list of positions available, and a brief description of the duties that define the workload of the office.
I want to make it clear that I welcome any British citizen to apply for a position in my government. I will be taking applications up until the third of December, and a message will be sent out to the ones selected for government on the fourth to confirm their desire to lead the office.
Available positions are as follows:

Deputy Prime Minister:
The Deputy Prime Minister has a broad variety of tasks, varying from giving the Prime Minister a second opinion on matters of importance, as well as keeping a constant flow in government communication. An important part of the deputy’s duties is the fact that should the Prime Minister be temporarily unable to access eRepublik for various reasons, the deputy is to step up and take control of government.

Minister of Finance:
Commonly regarded as the third most important role in government hierarchy in the real world, the MoF is tasked with making sure the country’s coffers have what we need to keep the government running for the month.
The MoF’s tasks include providing ministers with the money required to run their offices, as well as keeping our finances stable, and hopefully growing. This office arguably requires the most experience within eRepublik out of the ministries, due to the obscure way the economy functions within eRepublik.
For this position, I will also be looking have at least one deputy assisting the lead minister in his/her efforts.

Minister of Defence:
The duties of the MoD includes authoring articles containing battle priorities on a regular basis, communicating with the nations’ many military units in order to maximize our damage coordination, distribute weapons to our citizenry in times of an emergency and set combat orders when needed. The MoD plays an important role in any government, and is expected to be available throughout most of the day. Communication with our alliance HQ’s and various allies individually over battle priorities and war strategies will be an important role for the MoD.
For this position, I will also be looking to have at least two deputies assisting the lead minister in his/her efforts.

Minister of Foreign Affairs:
Arguably the most important ministry this month coming, the MoFA is tasked with communicating with our allies, negotiating potential deals and treaties with other nations, keeping the UK up to date of the ongoings in the world and Britain’s involvement in world affairs, as well as keeping our allies up to date with what goes on in Britain.
In times of change in the alliance sphere such as these, a competent diplomat is needed to guide our nation to new heights.
For this position, I will also be looking to have at least on deputy assisting the lead minister in his/her efforts.

Minister of Home Affairs:
One of the main focuses of my presidency will be internal affairs, and as such a strong team when it comes to home affairs will be needed. The MoHA is tasked with arranging community activities ranging from competitions, awards and friendly games to overlooking and enforcing any legislation active in the country. In times of parliamentary disagreement over the procedures of our legislation, the MoHA is tasked with guiding the parliament, and as such has the final say in legislative matters.
Other vital tasks that goes along with this office includes player education and retention, as well as arranging and leading an immigration committee should parliament decide to reinstate any immigration procedures.
For this position, I will also be looking to have at least three deputies assisting the lead minister in his/her efforts.

I want to make it clear that I welcome any British citizen to apply for a position in my government. I will be taking applications up until the third of December, and a message will be sent out to the ones selected for government on the fourth to confirm their desire to lead the office.
I will be selecting my cabinet based on experience, innovation, communication skills, dedication and skill, so it is important that you present me with as much information as possible.

You can apply for a position in my government by accessing this link.
To access the link, click the blue text above.

In the coming days I will publish articles regarding my policies more specifically. I would advise all of you to keep an eye out for these updates.

Furthermore, I want to make sure that any support shown towards my campaign is greatly appreciated, and I do hope that we truly can change the UK for the better, together.

As of now, I will leave you with this quote:

"All great events hang by a hair. The man of ability takes advantage of everything and neglects nothing that can give him a chance of success; whilst the less able man sometimes loses everything by neglecting a single one of those chances." -Napoléon I Bonaparte.
