When winter never left

Day 4,236, 11:38 Published in India India by Visor Of Blades

"Do you remember what it was like?" she asked


"Earth" she replied, looking up at me eyes alight with wonder "Before the snow fell"

The snow crunched beneath my feet, course and harsh "....I do."

"What was it like?"

"It was...." I froze, lost for words "Beautiful...."
Wracking my brain I recalled a memory from before, a time of a lifetime ago,
"There was so much green, and animals, and people. The sun shined all day, from dusk to dawn, and if you sat just right in the shade you could feel its gentle warmth."

I breathed in, a sensation of warmth spreading through me. As if the memory brought back the feel of a summer day.
"It was beautiful...but it's gone now"
A shuddering breath left me, the last gasp of a dying era.

Her eyes turned down into the snow "I wish I could have seen it"

I started walking again, thinking of the deepening cold "I wish you could have too".