What Needs to Be Done

Day 1,152, 19:10 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish William Wallace

My brothers and sisters, I will not claim to be eIreland's savior or try claiming a throne. I will only tell what needs to be seen within the next few months...WITH SOME VISUALS!

OVERVIEW: We need to create a radical fascist political party. We need strong Irish nationalism, military build up and reorganization, a charismatic leader (active one too), and Dail restructuring.

1. Fascist party organization. We need strong commitment and loyalty towards our leader, whoever it may be. Party support will gain through over-the-top and in-your-face propaganda. In order to gain more support, the party will need an "us versus them" mentality, a good target would be eUK.

2. Irish Nationalism. A strong devotion and willing commitment to eIreland and the great leader. This does not, however, justify any racist or discriminatory acts. eIreland must welcome newcomers so that they may follow the right path and help strengthen the mighty Irish machine!

3. Military Build Up and Reorganization. Now I am no military expert, hence why I have not joined the IDF or ICA. Also to avoid picking sides, I have not joined them. I have always fought for me and my comrades, no matter what army, I fought for our continual existence as a nation and people! eIreland needs to somehow settle the rivalry between IDF and ICA and find a common ground and common goals so that we may progress! I know many IDF or ICA soldiers will probably comment saying that it is not that simple or that their structures are different, well throw it away! We need to come up with something completely new. We need the MoD to be second hand to the leader, always ready to obey yet suggest ideas and do what they think is best when in the heat of battle!

4. Charismatic Leader. We need a leader who can represent us all, who stands for all of our ideals, and who seeks to progess eIreland to the highest stage of development! We need a dreamer, not a politician or a schemer or a crazed war general, we need someone who can invent something completely new and strive towards greatness. Although we definately need a seasoned player who understands the forums, politics, game mechanics, and the way EVERYTHING works. Someone who has lived on Leadership Ave.

5. Dail Restructuring. Now, with a fascist state, the Dail is useless...but will the Irish stand for a government that doesn't allow them a voice? No! Hell I wouldn't. It may be a dictatorship, but you need to satisfy your countrymen and women. The existence of the Dail shall still exist, to put out bills that the leader wants and to suggest their own. The people would tell the congressmen/women what they want to see in effect and the Dail members can discuss this and then ask the leader. If the leader says no, than they may overpower his ruling with a 4/5 vote. So, in a way, it is much like democracy but a more strict and harder democracy. However, the leader also has everything in his power so I wouldn't try to upset him/her.

Now, everyone knows that I am not a fascist in real life. Everyone knows that I am quite a socialist on eRepublik and I support left-wing parties. I do not wish this fascist party to have a negative image, I want this to give hope to Irishmen and women and for eIreland to prosper. Why fascism? Because not only does the bill process go quicker, it also unites a lot of the population for strong causes, rapid economic growth, and it would be great to try this idea out! I only seek to better my countrymen and support this nation in anyway. This may be a horrible idea as well and if it is than fine, I shall stick to supporting left-wing parties but I wanted to propose this party idea and see if anyone would support a party like this.


Country President: Will be known as the "Leader" or whatever he/she wants to be called. Typically the party would not seek to change its candidate for Country President often, for everyone/most people should be able to believe in the same charismatic leader.

Party President: The "Leader" will be the Party President as well, if he/she chooses, and once again would not seek to change this position often either.

Congress Members: They will be elected by the citizens, of course, and will represent the people (like they are supposed to do). However, they must heed the Leader's words because he controls the nation, NOT THE DAIL.

Party Members: Typically will be the strongest supports of the Leader. There will be no forced Profile Picture or forced About Me crap. This fascist party should be totally libertarian on the social scale, just not the political scale. Any treasonous party members will be fired from their job and anyone who hires them (without firing after 3 days time) will have a black mark on their record. More serious treason offenses would include banishment from the island.

This is just a general overview of what I'd look for in a radical fascist party. Please comment and leave your input. Note again, I am not a RL fascist nor do I want my reputation on here to be "that fascist" guy, because I support socialist/communist parties. Thank you!

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Your honorable congressman,