What difficulties will be there if we had a uniform currency across the world?

Day 2,710, 23:01 Published in China China by nophotonotalk

The passage is copied from a website, what i want to do is to reflect the problem that having a united currency is a dead-end. Not just for the economy, it's for the game.... Here i am asking admin to alter the current situation, if the dead chick really concern about players.

[Quotes start from here]

Unlimited problems. A currency is a rough reflection of the output of goods and services a country offers divided by the amount of currency in circulation.

The more your country is producing goods and services that people like, the more your currency value will go up. People will begin asking for more money for those goods and services. The less you are producing a good or service, the more your currency will go down in value.

What should happen is that a country that is not producing goods and services will see their currency value decrease. As it does, it will become cheaper to buy goods from that country in other countries that have higher currency values. So you begin to see movements to capture the labor of those countries with weak currencies, and they start becoming exporters.

Now this is all what I call *Grand Economic Theory* because in the real-world, there are way too many other variables, (war, personal and state debt, protectionism, tariffs, trade-agreements, patents, vested interests, government subsidies and expenditures, likelihood of government collapse, likelihood of government forfeiting on their debt, the resource trap, etc.) to make any of this occur this neatly, but it still roughly holds.

So what would happen if we were all pegged to one currency? Well, the countries that produced less goods and services (or services that were worth less) would find that their currency wouldn't go down in value, which means that there would be no move of capital into the area to take advantage of labor. No one would be trying to buy the cheap exports or go there for tourism. They'd face persistently high unemployment.
