What a disgrace - ARS needs to be stopped NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

Day 4,514, 16:58 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by tef1

This is a national emergency. I cannot believe a lot of serious and patriotic people are looking the other way when danger is facing us ONCE AGAIN. At first, an immigrant for our eNation - Blue Tongu3 Lizard became CP soon after being citizen

We all wished Blue Tongu3 Lizard after her victory. Sadly, the results were less than ideal to say the least. It was as I expected almost entirely consisted of one party members. The MoD is the only exception. The legendary Uncle Rican was not even the Prime Minister - a rare and sad event.

Now, the architect of Emperor (Blackbeard 1-10?'s brain) is now a candidate for Country President. ARS - the party filled with a bunch of multi originally nominated Sheldon - the "Judge" of the "Tef1 v establishment" era. Sadly for Sheldon the Emperor whisperer, he was deemed too not electable. You are welcome. I exposed his flaws and frauds.

Unfortunately, the replacement is just as bad even maybe worse. You may ask, was he not Tef1's friend? Yes, but no more. Tef1 always picks the best for the nation. After all - I am the one who prevented PTOs against the nation in more than one occasion before. Sadly, there is a 3rd attempt by ARS. I will do everything I can to stop this.

Please help me choosing Chris over Terry. He is our hope for a better future.

101st CP