Wellness Tips (English)

Day 665, 12:53 Published in Germany Germany by Bundesamt fuer Migration

This is a translation of this article, made for every english-speaking eCitizen in this eCountry 🙂.

One of the main points to note in the new world is wellness. Without sufficient wellness you'll not be able to get a good job or go fighting. And without Wellness your eCitizen dies.

Especially at the beginning you often make mistakes that lead to their own wellness falls faster in the cellar, as one would like. This guide should help you to avoid this!

Wellness - how blue are you?

Contrary to the RL in the game so here it is more blue is the better

^ That's almost perfect!

^ Pretty good, just is not so!

^ Here is soon the end, the eHuman in his last hour.

Be careful at the jobsearch!

Especially beginners make the mistake (I got it also wrong) to just look at the wage for the first job and not on the quality level of the company.

It is important to start first with a company that not has many stars. Each quality level (stars with the company logo) will reduce more wellness:

1 green star = quality 1 = -1 wellness
2 green star = quality 2 = -2 Wellness
3 green star = quality 3 = -3 Wellness
4 green star = quality 4 = -4 Wellness
5 green star = quality 5 = -5 Wellness

So only accept higher star-jobs if you can afford it!

Another Wellness-eater

Also traveling with a moving-ticket costs wellness! Per trip you consume 2 wellness.

No food, no fight!

The slogan in the virtual world also has its justification. Your eCitizen needs Food every day, otherwise he loses wellness.

Even while eating the quality is important. At the beginning your money / food from the beginners help will mainly consist of quality 1 and 2. So much Wellness brings you your foo😛

1 green star quality = 1 = +1 Wellness
2 green star quality = 2 = +2 Wellness
3 green star quality = 3 = +3 Wellness
4 green star quality = 4 = +4 Wellness
5 green star quality = 5 = +5 Wellness

What else helps?

The Wellness can be further increased by gifts.

Every day you can get 10 Wellness via gift. Gifts have to be gifted from other players to you. You cannot gift yourself!

With your own house your wellness also increase.

However, just at the beginning a house will be too expensive. Only later, you have enough money to afford a house.

receive Wellness from the hospital

You have 25 XP and you are level 5 you can fight, if your Wellness is larger as 40. Per fight you lose 10 Wellness.

After your first fight your leisure is generaly lower than 40. Then you can heal in the hospital and for each level of the hospital You get 10 Wellness:

1 green star quality = 1 = +10 Wellness
2 green star quality = 2 = +20 Wellness
3 green star quality = 3 = +30 Wellness
4 green star quality = 4 = +40 Wellness
5 green star quality = 5 = +50 Wellness

So it is always important to be in a region with a quality 5 hospital when you are fighting. You can heal yourself once a day in the hospital!

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Ministry of Migration
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