Weekly Update

Day 732, 09:32 Published in Japan USA by Dokomo

The past week has been fairly interesting, with Congress voting to reject the new PEACE charter in hopes that revisions will be undertaken to bring it in line with the spirit of a renewed alliance. But other things have gone on that bear attention as well.

Japan has chosen to renew the MPP with Russia early. With Russia no longer in PEACE Japan must look to a super power to secure our independence and Russia is a fine and geographically advantageous ally.

Labor Thanksgiving Day is just around the corner! Be sure to send in your submissions for the picture contest and the grain and food industry contests quick. The event is now being led by the new Secretary of Culture and Events: Aston Reynolds. He has also released a mega article on Japanese Festivals.

Japan has been active in Foreign Events, deploying our troops to Austria to defend our allied nations and to aid in their Righteous campaign of Liberation in Slovakia. So far we have had success in defending Burgenland and hope to liberate Bratislava later today.

Congress elections as well are just around the corner. Best of luck to all candidates!