We Want You!

Day 1,185, 12:46 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish William Wallace

Sons of eIreland, I am MikeBane, the newly elected Party President of the Independent Labour Party, and I want you to join! Socialists, Independents, Communists, Anarchists, you all have a place in this party! Since the party is new, there are many positions and opportunities that you can take or even create!

We are the true alternative political party in eIreland. We provide you with food, we provide you with support, we become not only fellow party members...but comrades! Tell me, have you ever failed to seize a opportunity that was laying in front of you? Have you ever failed to seize the moment in which your lust for progression was hanging by a thread? Redeem yourself, my brothers, in the Independent Labour Party!

My brothers and sisters, do not let one person lead the way for you! Only you can create your own destiny, your eDestiny that is. What I see, for this party, is a true, positive, alternative to the three major big dogs (Sons of Eireann, Fenian Brotherhood, and the Irish Union Party). I cannot declare lies or give out biased accusations, so I will say that the SoE and Fenian Brotherhood have done a decent job in bringing back up this country however I believe we could do better!

My comrades, together we have suffered at the hands of the Brits. Together we have vanquished their occupation! Together we have rebuilt eIreland...but now, only together, can we progress eIreland to its full potential! Tell me, my brethren, have you ever dreamed of eIreland becoming great? To have it shine like a beacon of light, prosperity, freedom, and opportunity in a world of petty wars and squabbling politicians? I can tell you this, comrades, that I have never done such acts for self gain. I have never taken a bribe, been unfair, corrupted by currency, gold, and power. I have been corrupted, though, by my ambition to better the lives of my fellow eIrish comrades!

What is prosperity, if not for all? What is wealth, if not wealth for all? What is a grand nation, a powerful government, if the people hold no power and share none of its greatness? The common citizen in eIreland may not earn about 25 IEP like I do, so in return, I give my party members food everyday (as much as I can afford while maintaining my own health).

I hear by declare, MikeBane, as a candidate for Country President for this March. Why do I not support Sons of Eireann anymore? As I may be friends with some of the members, I realize that friends and politics are two different subjects that should not be inter-linked (thus would cause favoritism). Also, after talking with a few fellow comrades, I realized that this party MUST stand as an INDEPENDENT party and create its own path. One last note, nothing personal against OJ, but I would not like to endorse him for Country President. Not saying he lacks experience or anything, just myself personally wouldn't.

The goal may be a long shot, but with the help and support of my party I think I stand a chance. Even if we don't succeed, the campaign, the hard work, and the sense of community will be stronger than if we didn't try! A big thanks and cheers to all Independent Labour members and a humble praise to all eIrish citizens!

From your candidate and PP,

LINK TO JOIN PARTY: http://tinyurl.com/4q7865x