We're not out of the woods yet.

Day 2,111, 15:43 Published in USA USA by Bill Bergey

We still have to face Poland. We have already taken out two of the three countries that controlled us but we still need to take out Poland! We must stop them in their current advancing and push them back. Push them out of America! It’s taken us a little bit to regain all these territories. Don’t slip up and let them regain it all. Keep fighting! We can do this! WE CAN WIN!

We’re not free yet….
Don’t celebrate yet! We still need to defeat the Polish. It’ll be hopefully the final battles we need to fight to regain the remainder of eAmerica. Keep an eye on the DoD Daily orders and fight where it maters!

Poland, We’re coming for ya.
That’s right! eAmerica is tired of being kept down. Now we’re gonna destroy you Poland. We’re gonna regain our territories and help our allies do the same.

Mexico, what wrong wit chu?
In our RWs against you to regain our territories you refuse to let us win. Why? Do you not like us or something?

Make your bullets matter!
Make sure every once of damage you do is NOT wasted. Keep an eye on the bar. If it’s over 57% go fight another battle and help our allies. Use every weapon as if it were your last. Don’t waste damage ANYWHERE, EVER. Your damage should always help, not just push the wall over.

Well, That’s pretty much it for now!
Cya later America!