Day 760, 10:13 Published in Iran Russia by VlaBarac
Hello Iran!

Obviously, Americans will soon, under the pretext of the liberation of China, try to take away Iran's Liaoning, center of Iranian economy and also the most populous region of Iran...
But we are here and redy to fight.

I spent all my money on weapons, so I will helped Iranian brothers.

Look only at invetory

Come not to boast more, and sprend 5 GOLD for that weapon, but concerns me because I was important to help you.

The road to Iran was a good
You can see the next pictures

Picutre 1(me in Serbia prepare for the journey)

Picture 2(me at the airport in Liaoning)

Picture 3(me Im in position and ready for battle)

For Brotherhood,
For Unity,
For our Friendship!

See you on the battlefield!

Tomorrow we'll celebrate a common victory against imperialism!